
Shell script that automates software versioning, change-log creation, tagging and releasing on GitHub. Implements: semVer, Conventional Commits.

Primary LanguageShellMIT LicenseMIT


Shell script that automates software versioning, change-log creation, tagging and releasing on GitHub. Implements: semVer, Conventional Commits.

Getting Started


curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/itninja-hue/semantic-release.sh/master/semantic-release.sh --output semantic-release.sh


chmod +x semantic-release.sh 

How does it work?

  • semantic-release.sh analyzes commit messages that implements Conventional Commits, recongnized by a regex expression supllied to the script by default in REGEX_CONVENTIONAL_COMMITS variable in [---- RULES ----] section, (all non conform commits messages will be ignored), and decides how to bump the version following 3 regex (major,minor,patch) expression set in [REGEX_MAJOR,REGEX_MINOR,REGEX_PATCH] variables in [---- RULES ----] section.

  • semantic-release.sh supports 2 types of releases (pre-release,release) , as a release is released only on your main branch, by default set to master in RELEASE_BRANCH variable in [---- RULES ----] section, and a pre-release is released from any non-main branch. In an indeal workflow a release should only be emited from your main branch (example:master) and your pre-release branch (example: pr/rc).

  • semantic-release.sh generates and push a changelog.md file based on the analyzed commit messages. The changelog.md commit is set by default to "chore(release): ${NEXT_VERSION} [skip ci]" in RELEASE_COMMIT_COMMENT variable in [---- CREATE/UPDATE CHANGELOG.md ----] section, that way you in your pipeline you can skip the pipeline trigger by testing [skip ci] in the commit message.

Rules(configs) summary

Vaiable Usage
REGEX_CONVENTIONAL_COMMITS Regex expression to filter and analyze commit messages
REGEX_MAJOR Regex expression that filter commit messages for major version release bump
REGEX_MINOR Regex expression that filter commit messages for minor version release bump
REGEX_PATCH Regex expression that filter commit messages for patch version release bump
RELEASE_BRANCH Branch name on wich to release a non pre-release

Note: you can edit the rules as you see fit.

Example in pipeline (Jenkins)


def lastCommitInfo = ""
def skippingText = ""
def commitContainsSkip = 0
def shouldBuild = false
def tag = ""
String[] releaseBranches = ["master","pre/rc"]
pipeline {
    agent any
        stage('init') {
                    lastCommitInfo = sh(script: "git log -1 --pretty=medium", returnStdout: true).trim()
                    commitContainsSkip = sh(script: "git log -1 | grep '.*\\[skip ci\\].*'", returnStatus: true)
                    if(commitContainsSkip == 0) {
                        skippingText = "Skipping commit."
                        env.shouldBuild = false
                        currentBuild.result = "NOT_BUILT"
                    return env.shouldBuild != "false"
                        withCredentials([string(credentialsId: 'GH_TOKEN', variable: 'GH_TOKEN')]){
                            sh './semantic-release.sh'