
Primary LanguageJavaScriptGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0

JNU online judge

This website is based on BNUOJ project, which is originally developed by the BNU ACM-ICPC Team.


dispatchermysql-devel libpthread

judger : libpthread gcc openjdk python2 python3 and so on, depend on list of languages supported by the OJ

vjudge : glib2.0 re2-devel libcurl libjpeg htmlcxx libcrypto

Take htmlcxx as an example:

wget https://jaist.dl.sourceforge.net/project/htmlcxx/htmlcxx/0.86/htmlcxx-0.86.tar.gz
cd ./htmlcxx-0.86
sudo make && make install


0. Cloning the repo

git clone https://gitlab.jnuacm.club/Semprathlon/jnuoj

1. Web service

cd ./web
curl -sS https://getcomposer.org/installer | php
php composer.phar install

Prepare the Nginx and Mysql services and edit config.php (see config.sample.php as a reference).

GRANT SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE ON '[database]'.'*' TO '[username]'@'[hostname]' IDENTIFIED BY '[password]';

2. Judger

Compile the source codes for the judger.

cd ./judger

Create a user with limited privileges for the sake of local judging.

sudo useradd [username]
sudo passwd [username]

Check for the UID of the user just created by

awk -F: '//home/ {printf "%s:%s\n",$1,$3}' /etc/passwd

Edit config.ini (see config.sample.ini as a reference) with the UID.

3. Dispatcher

Compile the source codes for the dispatcher.

cd ./dispatcher

Edit config.ini (see config.sample.ini as a reference).

4. Vjudger

Do just as what to do with dispatcher.

Quick Start

  • Start dispatcher, judger and vjudger in the way of

cd ./judger
nohup ./src/judger&

  • Launch Nginx and Mysql services.


  • Testdata are placed in the testdata under the directory of judger.

  • Give the permission of judger/tmpfile to the judging user appropriately.