
A music player that lets users post music and listen to music made by others.

Primary LanguageC#


AMARI is a music player program that lets users post music and listen to music made by others.

Azmari Usage

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine.



  1. Clone the repository
  2. Create a SQL server database named AZMARI, and the tables/stored procedures/functions by executing the queries found in ./Sql/AZMARI_tables.sql and ./Sql/AZMARI_functions&storedprocedures.sql
  3. Start Visual Studio.
  4. On the menu bar, choose File -> Open -> Project.
  5. Specify location of the project.
  6. Modify the uid and pwd values found in ./Azmari/Azmari/DBService.cs to the username and password of your SQL Server
  7. Click the Run button or press F5 key to execute the project.

Modifying the uid and pwd values

namespace Azmari
    class DBService
        string conStr = "server=.;database=AZMARI;uid=username;pwd=password;pooling=true; connection lifetime=120; max pool size=500";


  • Liul Alemayehu - Initial work