
Darks learning is the machine learning algorithm library. It contains Word2vec,DBN, RBM, MLP, LSA, PLSA, SDA, Maxent, regression, etc.

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Darks Learning

Darks learning is the machine learning algorithm library. It contains Word2vec,DBN, RBM, MLP, LSA, PLSA, SDA, Maxent, regression, etc.

Load Corpus

The corpus type are divided into Corpus, Documents and ModelSet.


It can be used for Word2vec,LSA,pLSA,etc. which are used to documents and words related to non classification algorithm.

CorpusLoader loader = new CorpusLoader();
Corpus corpus = loader.loadFromFile(new File(...));


It can be used for Maxent, bayes, etc. which are used to documents and words related to classification algorithm.

File input = new File(...);
File labels = new File(...);
Documents docs = Documents.loadFromFile(input, labels, "UTF-8");
File corpusFile = new File(...); 
//The corpusFile both contains labels and features, which's labels and features of each line must be separated by Tab(\t).
Documents docs = Documents.loadFromFile(corpusFile, "UTF-8");


It can be used for regression, MLP, DBN, RBM, SDA, SOFTMAX, etc. which are used to classification based on double matrix.

ModelSet modelSet = ModelLoader.loadFromFile(...);
ModelSet modelSet = ModelLoader.loadFromStream(...);

Naive Bayes

Navie bayes contains the BINAMIAL and BERNOULLI modes.

  • BINAMIAL is fine-grained to words by default.
  • BERNOULLI is coarse-grained to documents.


How to train

Documents docs = Documents.loadFromFile(corpusFile, "UTF-8");
NaiveBayes bayes = new NaiveBayes();

How to classify

String sentence = ...; //Sentence string must be separated by spaces.
String classify = bayes.predict(sentence);
String classify = bayes.predict(new String[]{...});


Maxent only supports GIS algorithm.


How to train

Documents docs = Documents.loadFromFile(corpusFile, "UTF-8");
Maxent maxent = new GISMaxent();
MaxentModel model = maxent.train(docs, 1000); //Train model with 1000 iterations.

How to load

GISModel model = GISModel.readModel(...);
GISMaxent maxent = new GISMaxent(model);

How to classify

String[] terms = ...;
int labelIndex = maxent.predict(terms);
String classify = maxent.getLabel(labelIndex);

LSA (Latent Semantic Analysis)


How to train

CorpusLoader loader = new CorpusLoader(Corpus.TYPE_TF_IDF);
File file = ...;
Corpus corpus = loader.loadFromFile(file, "UTF-8");
LatentSemanticAnalysis lsa = new LatentSemanticAnalysis();

How to predict

String result = lsa.predict(new String[]{...});
int index = lsa.predictIndex(new String[]{...});