
A circle menu in the style of wheel. (滚轮样式的菜单)

Primary LanguageObjective-CMIT LicenseMIT



A circle menu in the style of wheel.

###实现效果(Examples) 默认设置


###Waht you can do 1, 点击按钮,显示或隐藏菜单 (click the button, show or hide menus)

2,点击具体项,获取该项的index,进而做后续操作 (Click on the specific item, gets the index of the item, and follow-up actions)

3,自定义菜单个数,无上限 (The number of custom menus, no limit)

4,自定义可见的菜单数量 (Number of custom visible menus)

5,自定义菜单图标和标题 (Custom menu icons, and the title)

###Usage ####Initialize

	NSArray *imageNames = @[@"test_0",@"test_1",@"test_2"];
    NSArray *titles     = @[@"one",@"two",@"three"];
    TYCircleMenu *menu = [[TYCircleMenu alloc]initWithRadious:240 itemOffset:20 imageArray:imageNames titleArray:titles menuDelegate:self];
    menu.visibleNum = 3;     //设置可见的菜单数量,默认是4个
    menu.isDismissWhenSelected = YES;   //点击菜单项,是否隐藏菜单,默认不隐藏
    [self.view addSubview:menu];

####implement protocol method

- (void)selectMenuAtIndex:(NSInteger)index {


v1.1 增加循环滚动的支持

##License This project is under MIT License. See LICENSE file for more information.