This program dumps Protocol Buffer definitions from Genshin Impact's dumped assemblies, they are used for own made servers or packet analyzing.
Build it using Visual Studio 2022
Open the .exe file and choose the assembly with proto definitions (Assembly-CSharp.dll), alternatively use command line
Usage: ProtoDumper [parameters]
Possible parameters:
--help, -h - Optional. Show this help
--dont-delete-old-protos - Optional. Stop the program from deleting old protos
--assembly-path= - Optional. Path to the assembly that contains protos
--output-path= - Optional. Output path
--export-type= - Optional. Export type, can be typescript or proto
--export-file-extension= - Optional. File extension used in the exported files
Il2CppAssemblyUnhollower: Command line parameters and help is based on it, thanks knah
Mono.Cecil: Used to read the assembly