
Animated visualizations of several garbage collection algorithms

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


Animated visualizations of several garbage collection algorithms.

open MARK_SWEEP_GC.gif

The GIF output requires ImageMagick installed. Edit the Makefile to choose a different algorithm. If you add more data to the sample, you'll probably have to increase the GC heap size. This is just a toy after all!

The interesting thing here is the GC algorithm animations, but in order to excercise the GC, I had to create a small sample program. The reference directory contains Ruby and Scala implementations of the sample program. The dkp.cc that generates the visualizations implements similar logic with the exception that it has the world's worst sort.

Here are some notes from one of my talks on GC. I highly recommend the book Garbage Collection: Algorithms for Automatic Dynamic Memory Management by Jones and Lins. I haven't read Jones' newer book. You can also find excellent overviews by Googling "GC algorithm survey"; Paul Wilson's was very useful to me, but there should be newer surveys available.

What Is Garbage Collection?

  • automatic

  • resource - usually memory, but practical for any storage

  • management

  • very old technology, general purpose ideas

  • misunderstanding causes problems, e.g. "map of weak refs" != cache

  • goals of GC: higher level code, uncouple systems, improve performance

  • different kinds of memory: unintuitive and getting worse:

    • L1 cache 1ns
    • L2 cache 10ns
    • main memory 100ns

Most programmers are well into the phase of computing where we depend on the compiler and run-time for memory management just as we depend on the compiler for code generation. Highly constrained devices with small memories and/or hard real-time guarantees are still a problem for GC.


  • root set: active variables (and machine stuff: stack, cpu registers)
  • live set: reachable from root set
  • garbage: everything else


Free At Exit, aka There's Plenty of RAM

NO_GC option in the Makefile.

  • simplest possible system
  • best concurrency (only allocator)
  • reasonable for small programs
  • definition of "small" increases as technology improves
  • no destructors

Reference Counting

REF_COUNT_GC option in the Makefile.

  • 1960

  • synchronous - destructors useful

  • accidentally ammortized (but long pauses possible)

  • simple concurrency

  • possible to retrofit

  • expensive in cpu

  • needs extra word per object to hold counts

  • no cycles

  • complicated api and/or leaky abstraction

  • expensive allocator (fragmentation, locality)

  • which allocator doesn't matter (time efficient slab allocator)

  • threading problems (mutating ref counts - no read-only data!, destructor runs on random thread)

  • iOS, file systems

  • extensions:

    • deferred ref count
    • deferred free
    • ref count tables
    • N bit (including 1 bit) ref counts

Mark Sweep

MARK_SWEEP_GC option in the Makefile.

  • 1960

  • traversal required

  • simple

  • destructors easy, but delayed

  • conservative option (traversal can be approximated)

  • possible to retrofit

  • asynch

  • expensive allocator (fragmentation, locality)

  • complicated concurrency (multi-color)

  • Lua, Flash, Ruby

  • extensions:

  • deferred free

  • mark tables (examine multiple objects at once)

Mark Compact

MARK_COMPACT_GC option in the Makefile.

  • 1964

  • precise traversal required

  • simple

  • minimum total memory usage

  • super cheap allocator ("bump" allocator with only a few instructions)

  • moving objects difficult to retrofit

  • needs 3 passes, but can trade memory for performance

  • very complicated concurrency (multi-color, barriers)

  • general algorithm that can make other problems easier

  • example: fair random row selection

           first pass through the database compacts rows so that
             there are no gaps in position, e.g. 1, 2, 3, ...

           select * where position > random() order by position limit 1


COPY_GC option in the Makefile.

  • 1962

  • precise traversal required

  • simplest

  • super cheap allocator

  • work proportional to live data (garbage doesn't matter!)

  • semi-spaces

  • no destructors - finalize should not be used

  • very complicated concurrency (multi-color, barriers)

  • moving objects difficult to retrofit

  • common degenerate case: per-transaction pool, delete when done

  • most useful gc algorithm whenever you have little live data

  • non-memory example: web session storage deletion on Amazon SimpleDB

         create new and old domains
         your server reads from new and faults old into it
         nightly: delete the old domain, create new one, and flip

Generational, Ephemeral and more

  • 1984

  • hypothesis: most objects die young

  • chain together copy collectors

  • oldest generation can use a different gc method

  • inter-generational references suck

  • non-intuitive performance (garbage is cheap, reuse is expensive)

  • foundation for all advanced modern gc