
Python package which can be used to generate and overlay a heat map on the given image.

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Heat Map

Python package which can be used to generate and overlay a heat map on the given image.


  • Python 3.7 (recomended, otherwise any version 3.x should work)
  • OpenCV
    $ pip install opencv-python
  • Numpy
    $ pip install numpy


  • original_image: Original image on which to overlay heatmap
  • heat_map_2d_array: 2d numpy array with intensity values
  • kernel_size: Size of the area in which heat of the specific location will be spread with Gaussian Kernel
  • opacity: Opacity specifies the opacity level of the heat map
  • cmap: Cmap is the color distribution for the heatmap. Any value from these can be used: https://docs.opencv.org/master/d3/d50/group__imgproc__colormap.html
  • save_path: Path of the directory where to save generated heatmap


An example python code is available in example directory. To execute this code change directory to example and run following command: $ python example.py.

Then a resulting image named heatmap.jpg will be created in the same directory.

Reference image (interior-top-view.jpg) in the samples folder used in this example is taken from freepik.com provided by MarySan2000. Link to the image is: https://www.freepik.com/premium-vector/apartment-design-with-furniture-top-view-architectural-plan-kitchen-bathroom-bedroom-living-room_7283209.htm


Using different Sigma Values

Sigma=5 Sigma=25 Sigma=55 Sigma=85

Using different Alpha Values

Opacity=0.1 Opacity=0.3 Opacity=0.5 Opacity=0.7 Opacity=0.9