
PANTHER benchmark

Ycblue opened this issue · 1 comments

Hey, thanks for publishing your code and putting so much effort in this repo.

I saw that you added a benchmark using PANTHER as prototyping option, but I couldn't find the specific part in the code that would make this work.
Where do you swap in the PANTHER prototypes?
Do you use PANTHER to generate the prototypes first and load them for training?


Hi, thanks for your attention and your kind words.

You can find the PANTHER related parts in our commit here.

For the details, we first generated the initial prototypes according to the instructions provided in PANTHER, using tools/ Then, we used the DIEM's implementation (here) to update the prototypes, also following the PANTHER's instructions. Finally, with the updated prototypes, we did clustering for all instances.

Hope this could help u.