
this is a side story on sulfate reduction in OWC wetland based on 16S, biogeochemical, metaG, metaT

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this is a side story on sulfate reduction in OWC wetland based on 16S, biogeochemical, metaG, metaT

checking and fix the name header to all DRAMOUT way#

what did Adrienne do for MAGs renaming

1) add partial name of MAGs (w/o) MAGs id and .fa to the seq header, +\t scaffold ID

===> OWC_subtractive_megahit_Surface_metabat_k121_44274654  k121_44274654

#a master file with MAGs ID ===> scaffold ID is created



#sed -e 's/.fa.relabeled/_/1'  wetlands_db_contigs_to_bins.tsv > wetlands_db_contigs_to_bins_fix.tsv

2)based on this we have prodigal predicition, get gene names like this 

===> OWC_subtractive_megahit_Surface_metabat_k121_44274654_13

all combined genes and protein files are here


[liupf@zenith prodigal_files]$ pwd

[liupf@zenith prodigal_files]$

3)DRAM based on renamed/relabeled MAGs, got gene ids like this

===> Aug_OW2_C1_D1_30Gb_idba_metabat.39_Aug_OW2_C1_D1_30Gb_idba_metabat_scaffold_15_4  #a really long one

combined 3211 DRAMOUT genes and protein files are here

#from dramout genes.fna
=========> all_3211_genes_DRAM.fna

#from dramout genes.faa
#9392229, the same as nt file
=======> all_3211_genes_DRAM_aa.faa