
LightPay is a fintech apps, use for sharing how to build a apps in java

The project itself has 4 modules

  • api
    • a module that abstracts interface for all services
  • commons
    • a module that groups all common functionalities used by all services
  • domain
    • the bussiness logic for all services goes here
  • apps
    • an entry point of our monolithic app, including all handlers


  • Java
  • Gradle
  • Postgres
  • Docker

Java Dependency

  • Junit 5
  • Spark (http server) link
  • GSON (Json Marshaller) link
  • jdbi (idiomatic access to relational data ) link


this tutorial

  1. problem statement
  2. references
  3. sequence_diagram

How to use


brew cask install java
brew cask install postman

Running DB only Docker

make run-docker

Running DB migration

make db-setup

How to build

make build

Running All Preparations

make all

How to run server

make run-server