
华东师范大学 2019 年春季学期数据库系统实践课程大作业,为独立开发一个数据库管理系统,本项目的选题是物流管理系统。适合新手入门的项目学习,可以深入了解数据库操作(基于 ORM)以及一些必要的前后端交互。项目基于 Node.js + Electron + Vue.js + Express.js + Sequelize。 Keywords: 数据库, DB, ORM, Database, Electron, Express, Vue, Node, Sequelize

Primary LanguageVue


华东师范大学 2019 年春季学期数据库系统实践课程大作业,为独立开发一个数据库管理系统,本项目的选题是物流管理系统。适合新手入门的项目学习,可以深入了解数据库操作(基于 ORM)以及一些必要的前后端交互。项目基于 Node.js + Electron + Vue.js + Express.js + Sequelize。 The topic of this project is logistics management system. A good starting point for a beginner, with an in-depth understanding of database operations (based on ORM) and some of the necessary front-and-back interactions. The project is based on Node.js + Electron + Vue.js + Express.js + Sequelize.

Keywords: 数据库, DB, ORM, Database, Electron, Express, Vue, Node, Sequelize

Build Setup

# install dependencies

# serve with hot reload at localhost:9080
yarn dev

# build electron application for production
npm run build

# lint all JS/Vue component files in `src/`
npm run lint

This project was generated with electron-vue using vue-cli. Documentation about the original structure can be found here.