
Manage Zookeeper data in bulk.

Primary LanguagePythonGNU General Public License v3.0GPL-3.0


Author: Kevin Mao


Python version of the original zktreeutil, a tool for managing the Zookeeper metadata tree in a fast, straightforward manner.

Basic operations include:

  • PRINT - Recursively print data and metadata for all ZNodes under a given path.
  • COPY - Recursively copy ZNodes from one Zookeeper ensemble to another.
  • EXPORT - Export ZNode data to JSON.
  • IMPORT - Import JSON containing ZNode data into a Zookeeper ensemble.


	PRINT ZNODES: zktreeutil.py --print [source_zookeeper]
	  # Print all ZNodes under /path/to/target on zookeeper1
	  zktreeutil.py --print zookeeper1:2181/path/to/target

	COPY ZNODES: zktreeutil.py --copy [--no-clobber|--interactive|--overwrite] [source_zookeeper] [destination_zookeeper]
	  # Copy ZNodes under /path/to/src on zookeeper1 into /path/to/dst on zookeeper2. Skip any ZNodes that already exist.
	  zktreeutil.py --copy --no-clobber zookeeper1:2181/path/to/src zookeeper2:2181/path/to/dst

	EXPORT ZNODES: zktreeutil.py --export --file [target_file] [source_zookeeper]
	  # Export ZNodes under /path/to/src on zookeeper as JSON into [target_file]
	  zktreeutil.py --export --file exported_znodes.json zookeeper1:2181/path/to/export

 	IMPORT ZNODES: zktreeutil.py --import [--no-clobber|--interactive|--overwrite] --file [target_file] [destination_zookeeper]
	  # Import ZNodes from imported_znodes.json and write them into zookeeper2 under /path/to/write/to
	  # Overwrite any ZNodes that already exist in the path
	  zktreeutil.py --import --overwrite --file imported_znodes.json zookeeper2:2181/path/to/write/to

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -f FILE, --file=FILE  Read from or write to FILE, depending on which action
                        is specified.
  -v, --verbose         Enable verbose (debug) output

  Action options: Specify what action to perform (Default: --print):
    -p, --print         Print out contents of target Zookeeper location.
    -c, --copy          Copy contents of source Zookeeper location to
                        destination Zookeeper location.
    -x, --export        Write contents of target Zookeeper location to local
                        JSON file.
    -i, --import        Read contents of target JSON file and write data to
                        destination Zookeeper location.

  Resolution options: specify how to deal with conflicts. (Default: --no-clobber):
    --no-clobber        Do not overwrite any existing ZNodes.
    --interactive       Prompt user for each conflict encountered.
    --overwrite         Overwrite existing ZNodes without prompting user.


  • Python 2.6+
  • The following packages installed using pip:
    • kazoo 2.2.1+
    • simplejson 3.8.1+


This project is license under the GNU GPLv3.