
Helpers for creating high-level functional tests in Django, with a unified API for WebTest and Selenium tests.

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause


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Helpers for creating high-level functional tests in Django, with a unified API for WebTest and Selenium tests.


The full documentation is at https://django-functest.readthedocs.org.


pip install django-functest

See also the dependencies documentation for important compatibility information.


  • A simplified API for writing functional tests in Django (tests that check the behaviour of entire views, or sets of views, e.g. a checkout process).
  • A unified API that abstracts over both WebTest and Selenium - write two tests at once!
  • Many of the gotchas and difficulties of using WebTest and Selenium ironed out for you.
  • Well tested - as well as its own test suite, which is run against Firefox, Chrome, and PhantomJS, it is also used by Wolf & Badger for tests covering many business critical functionalities.

Typical usage

In your tests.py:

from django.test import LiveServerTestCase, TestCase
from django_functest import FuncWebTestMixin, FuncSeleniumMixin, FuncBaseMixin

class ContactTestBase(FuncBaseMixin):
    # Abstract class, doesn't inherit from TestCase

    def test_contact_form(self):
        self.fill({'#id_name': 'Joe',
                   '#id_message': 'Hello'})
        self.assertTextPresent("Thanks for your message")

 class ContactWebTest(ContactTestBase, FuncWebTestMixin, TestCase):

 class ContactSeleniumTest(ContactTestBase, FuncSeleniumMixin, LiveServerTestCase):

In this way, you can write a single test with a high-level API, and run it in two way - using a fast, WSGI-based method which emulates typical HTTP usage of a browser, and using a full browser that actually executes Javascript (if present) etc.

Under the hood, the WSGI-based method uses and builds upon WebTest and django-webtest.

django-functest provides its functionality as mixins, so that you can have your own base class for tests.

Running Tests

To run the tests:

source <YOURVIRTUALENV>/bin/activate
(myenv) $ ./setup.py develop
(myenv) $ ./runtests.py

Or, to run on all environments:

pip install tox

Firefox tests are currently failing due to incompatibilities with recent Firefox versions (>= 47) and all published versions of Selenium (< 3.0).

This can be worked around by downloading an old version of Firefox from https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/organizations/all/ and using runtests.py --firefox-binary=..., or, in the case of using tox:



This library was built by developers at Wolf & Badger, released with the kind permission of that company.

Tools used in rendering this package: