
A docker image to run Keepalived

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A Docker image to run Keepalived.


Quick start

This image require the kernel module ip_vs loaded on the host (modprobe ip_vs) and need to be run with : --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --net=host

docker run --cap-add=NET_ADMIN --net=host -d puzzle/keepalived:latest

Beginner Guide

Use your own Keepalived config

This image comes with a keepalived config file that can be easily customized via environment variables for a quick bootstrap, but setting your own keepalived.conf is possible. 2 options:

  • Link your config file at run time to /container/service/keepalived/assets/keepalived.conf :
docker run --volume /data/my-keepalived.conf:/container/service/keepalived/assets/keepalived.conf --detach puzzle/keepalived:latest
  • Add your config file by extending or cloning this image, please refer to the Advanced User Guide

Fix docker mounted file problems

You may have some problems with mounted files on some systems. The startup script try to make some file adjustment and fix files owner and permissions, this can result in multiple errors. See Docker documentation.

To fix that run the container with --copy-service argument :

docker run [your options] puzzle/keepalived:latest --copy-service


The container default log level is info. Available levels are: none, error, warning, info, debug and trace.

Example command to run the container in debug mode:

docker run --detach puzzle/keepalived:latest --loglevel debug

See all command line options:

docker run puzzle/keepalived:latest --help

Environment Variables

Environment variables defaults are set in image/environment/default.yaml

See how to set your own environment variables

  • KEEPALIVED_INTERFACE: Keepalived network interface. Defaults to eth0

  • KEEPALIVED_PASSWORD: Keepalived password. Defaults to sG9lWB37Bgc59cv7 (yes, we chose this a bit more secure default password on purpose)

  • KEEPALIVED_PRIORITY Keepalived node priority. Defaults to 150

  • KEEPALIVED_ROUTER_ID Keepalived virtual router ID. Defaults to 51

  • KEEPALIVED_UNICAST_PEERS Keepalived unicast peers. Defaults to : - -

    If you want to set this variable at docker run command add the tag #PYTHON2BASH: and convert the yaml in python:

docker run --env KEEPALIVED_UNICAST_PEERS="#PYTHON2BASH:['', '']" --detach puzzle/keepalived:latest

To convert yaml to python online : http://yaml-online-parser.appspot.com/

  • KEEPALIVED_VIRTUAL_IPS Keepalived virtual IPs. Defaults to : - -

    If you want to set this variable at docker run command convert the yaml in python, see above.

  • KEEPALIVED_NOTIFY Script to execute when node state change. Defaults to /container/service/keepalived/assets/notify.sh

  • KEEPALIVED_COMMAND_LINE_ARGUMENTS Keepalived command line arguments; Defaults to --log-detail --dump-conf

Set your own environment variables

Use command line argument

Environment variables can be set by adding the --env argument in the command line, for example:

docker run --env KEEPALIVED_INTERFACE="eno1" --env KEEPALIVED_PASSWORD="password!" \
  --env KEEPALIVED_PRIORITY="100" --detach puzzle/keepalived:latest

Link environment file

For example if your environment file is in: /data/environment/my-env.yaml

docker run --volume /data/environment/my-env.yaml:/container/environment/01-custom/env.yaml \
  --detach puzzle/keepalived:latest

Take care to link your environment file to /container/environment/XX-somedir (with XX < 99 so they will be processed before default environment files) and not directly to /container/environment because this directory contains predefined baseimage environment files to fix container environment (INITRD, LANG, LANGUAGE and LC_CTYPE).

Make your own image or extend this image

This is the best solution if you have a private registry. Please refer to the Advanced User Guide just below.

Advanced User Guide

Docker Image Versioning

There are three different kind of Docker tags used:

  1. latest: Latest build from latest Git commit to the main branch. Do not use this tag for production environments.
  2. <keepalived_version>-rc.*: Test build of a new Keepalived version. Do not use this tag for production, only for testing/staging. This tag could be overridden.
  3. <keepalived_version>: Stable build of a tested Keepalived version. Use this tag for production workloads. This tag should not be overridden.

Extend puzzle/keepalived image

If you need to add your custom TLS certificate, bootstrap config or environment files the easiest way is to extends this image.

Dockerfile example:

FROM puzzle/keepalived:<current_version_here>
LABEL maintainer="Your Name <your@name.com>"

ADD keepalived.conf /container/service/keepalived/assets/keepalived.conf
ADD environment /container/environment/01-custom
ADD scripts.sh /container/service/keepalived/assets/notify.sh


We use Bats (Bash Automated Testing System) to test this image:


Install Bats, and in this project directory run :

make test

Under the hood: osixia/light-baseimage

This image is based on osixia/light-baseimage. More info: https://github.com/osixia/docker-light-baseimage


Thanks to https://github.com/osixia/docker-keepalived and https://github.com/splattner/docker-keepalived!