
Secret Network workshop where you learn to develop a custom smart contract utilizing viewing keys.

Primary LanguageRust

Secret Network Business Card Workshop

Secret Network Viewing Keys are unique, random keys that are generated utilizing the Secret Toolkit Random Number Generator(RNG). In this Secret Network workshop, we will build a fullstack dapp that allows users to create Business Cards which can only be viewed by wallets if they have the associated Viewing Key.

In order to follow along with this workshop, please configure your developer environment accordingly:

  1. Install npm, dotenv, and rust. For detailed environment configuration instructions, you can follow along here.

  2. Download keplr wallet, add the Secret Network testnet to your keplr wallet, and fund your testnet wallet with tokens. For detailed instructions on how to do this view the Secret Network docs here.

  3. Clone this repo as it is the repo you will be working with during the workshop.

  4. If you have never worked with Secret Network smart contracts and/or Secret.js before, you might find it helpful to complete this Secret.Js tutorial prior to attending the workshop.

Should you have any questions or concerns, reach out to seanrad on discord @Seanrad#0145