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A Detailed Cplusplus Concurrency Tutorial 《C++ 并发编程指南》
This code can be used on a mobile robot for avoiding obstacles. This code was originally written for use with a Summit XL mobile robot from Robotnik using laser readings as the means for determining obstacles. However it can be configured to be used for any mobile robot using either laser and/or sonar readings. It is based on the use of a potential fields algorithm in that it treats all obstacles as a potential field. For more information please see the paper entitled "Biological Goal Seeking", submitted to ICRA 2017.
liuyansui's Repositories
A Detailed Cplusplus Concurrency Tutorial 《C++ 并发编程指南》
This code can be used on a mobile robot for avoiding obstacles. This code was originally written for use with a Summit XL mobile robot from Robotnik using laser readings as the means for determining obstacles. However it can be configured to be used for any mobile robot using either laser and/or sonar readings. It is based on the use of a potential fields algorithm in that it treats all obstacles as a potential field. For more information please see the paper entitled "Biological Goal Seeking", submitted to ICRA 2017.