CPSC 554X - Group Project

Team Members

Project Description

We proposed to feed a neural network time-domain data generated from the FDTD model along with its ground-truth area function. Hopefully, the neural network will be able to learn the mapping scheme and generate the corresponding geometry from unknown time-domain data

Project Structure

├── 1segtube
│   ├── dataset
│   │   ├── acoustic_data.txt
│   │   ├── audio_1.mat
│   │   └── geometry_data.txt
│   ├── generate_dataset.py
│   └── mlp.py
├── #segtube
│   ├── dataset
│   │   ├── acoustic_data.txt
│   │   └── geometry_data.txt
│   ├── generate_dataset.py
│   └── mlp.py
└── README.md


  • 1. Generate dataset
  • 2. Train a neural network
  • 3. Test the neural network
  • 4. Generate a 2D geometry from unknown time-domain data
  • 5. Write a report