
Self-implemented MLP, CNN, Dropout & BN and RNN based on NumPy.

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Self-implemented MLP, CNN, Dropout & BN and RNN based on NumPy.
Homework for Artificial Neural Network, Tsinghua University, 2018-Fall.

HW1: Multilayer Perceptron (MLP)

  • First, review the Chain rule of multivariate functions composition
  • The return Gradient of ReLU layer is
grad_output * (input > 0)


np.maximum(grad_output, 0)
  • Save some intermediate results during forward stage for backward
  • Use matrix operation to accelerate the back propgation
input = self._saved_tensor
self.grad_W = np.matmul(input.T, grad_output)
self.grad_b = np.sum(grad_output, axis=0)
return np.matmul(grad_output, self.W.T)
  • Mini-batch Update: the Euclidean loss here divides the batch size N, so there is no need to divide N again before the weight update. They are equivalent as the credit assignment of each weights is a Linear combination of the gradients. The 'real' loss should not be related to the batch size (thus, PyTorch presumes you divide N in loss by default).

HW1_Random: Random Synaptic Feedback

Backpropagation Random Synaptic Feedback
98% 95%
  • An interesting relationship between init_std of W and B and the gradient exploding problem(check section 3.1) was found. As suggested by the author, it also might be related with .

HW2: Convolution Neural Network (CNN)

HW3: Dropout & Batch Normalization (BN)

HW4: Recurrent Neural Network (RNN)