
This is a project based on attribute inference attack (or overlearning attack). We run the experiment on CelebA dataset.

Primary LanguagePython

HLCV Project

This is a project based on attribute inference attack (or overlearning attack)1. We follow the experiment settings on CelebA dataset2.

Besides the original attack, we also try this attack on Knowledge Distillation(KD) models and Differential Privacy(DP) models becuase these two defense mechanisms are the most common ones in machine learning models against some attacks such as membership inference attacks and adversarial examples.

We also test the outputs of the last 3 and 4 layer from target models in the experiments.

- [1] C.Song, V.Shmatikov; Overlearning Reveals Sensitive Attributes
- [2] Z.Liu, P.Luo, X.Wang and X.Tang; Deep Learning Face Attributes in the Wild