
pytorch version of yolo-fastest

Primary LanguagePython

Pytorch version yolo-fastest

This repo is based on Yolo-Fastest and yolov5. It is now can be used for BDD100k and Mscoco dataset now.

1. Requirements

  • Ubuntu 16+
  • CUDA 10.2+
  • pytorch 1.6.0+
  • opencv-python==

2. Train

2.1 Data preparation

Prepare your dataset structure as follows.

        |---images                 # all image files
        |     |---train
        |     |     |---3b57d694-c46727dd.jpg
        |     |          ...... 
        |     |---val/
        |     |---test/
        |---labels                 # annotation files
        |     |---train
        |     |     |---3b57d694-c46727dd.txt
        |     |          ...... 
        |     |---val/
        |     |---test/
        |---labels.cache           # generated when run train.py

Annotaion file is in (class, x_c, y_c, w, h) format. An example is as follows:

0 0.283203 0.108750 0.072656 0.217500 
1 0.346875 0.068125 0.056250 0.136250 

x_c and y_c means the center of object bounding box, while w and h means the width and height of object bounding box. All of them are normalized by the image's width and height.

Here I use bdd100k datasets as an example, and only detect ['car', 'truck', 'van', 'bus', 'pedestrian', 'cyclist', 'cone'] 7 classes. You can download the txt format label with extract code 9xhi generated by myself.

2.2 Modify configuration

Modify paramteres in config/config.py according to your task:

There are two mode for dataloader, and it can be set in augment_params["aug_mode"]

  • rect mode

Load one image and scale it to new_shape while keep its aspect ratio with padding.

  • mosaic mode

Use Mosaic augment as yolov5. Load four images once and mix them as one.

And then run the command to train.

python train.py

Here I append my model in output/bdd100k_epoch_81.pt

3. Detect

python detect.py --root_dir YOUR_IMAGE_SET_PATH --weights output/epoch_xxx.pt --conf_thres 0.4

Press Esc to quit.

Here is an example result of BDD100k test task! It looks not bad! exmple

4. Evalution

to be continued...