

Primary LanguageCOtherNOASSERTION

HipMer v 1.0, Copyright (c) 2016, The Regents of the University of California,
through Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (subject to receipt of any
required approvals from the U.S. Dept. of Energy).  All rights reserved.

If you have questions about your rights to use or distribute this software,
please contact Berkeley Lab's Innovation & Partnerships Office at  IPO@lbl.gov.

NOTICE.  This Software was developed under funding from the U.S. Department
of Energy and the U.S. Government consequently retains certain rights. As such,
the U.S. Government has been granted for itself and others acting on its behalf
a paid-up, nonexclusive, irrevocable, worldwide license in the Software to
reproduce, distribute copies to the public, prepare derivative works, and
perform publicly and display publicly, and to permit other to do so. 

This is HipMer, the high performance distributed memory scalable version of Meraculous.

HipMer is a high performance parallelization and port of Meraculous 
(http://jgi.doe.gov/data-and-tools/meraculous/).  It is largely written in UPC,
with the exception of the UFX generation, which is written in C++/MPI.

This project is a joint collaboration between JGI (http://jgi.doe.gov), 
NERSC (http://www.nersc.gov/) and CRD (http://crd.lbl.gov/)

Primary authors are:
Evangelos Georganas, Aydin Buluc, Steven Hofmeyr, Leonid Oliker and Rob Egan, 
with direction and advice from Kathy Yelick.
The original Meraculous was developed by Jarrod Chapman, Isaac Ho, Eugene Goltsman,
and Daniel Rokhsar.

Building and installing

You can download the source from sourceforge: https://sourceforge.net/projects/hipmer/

To build, install and run test cases, use scripts from the appropriate .platform_deploy, where 'platform' is one of several different platforms, e.g. '.edison_deploy' for NERSC's Edison system, '.cori_deploy' for NERSC's cori system, and '.generic' for a generic Linux system.

You should specify the environmental variable SCRATCH for default placement of the build and install paths. You can also change the default build and install paths by overriding the environmental variables: BUILD and PREFIX respectively

To build:


To install:


By default, the build will be in $SCRATCH/build-platform and the install will be in $SCRATCH/install-platform.

There are environmental variables that are automatically set for a release (non-debug) build (.platform_deploy/env.sh). To build a debug version, first execute:

source .platform_deploy/env-debug.sh

Then run .platform_deploy/build.sh && .platform_deploy/install.sh as before.

By default, the debug build will be in $SCRATCH/build-platform-debug, and the install in $SCRATCH/install-platform-debug.

To force a complete rebuild:

CLEAN=1 .platform_deploy/build.sh

To force a rebuild with all the environment checks:

DIST_CLEAN=1 .platform_deploy/build.sh

Note that running .platform_deploy/install.sh should do partial rebuilds for changed files.

WARNING: the build process does not detect header file dependencies for UPC automatically, so changes to header files will not necessarily trigger rebuilds. The dependencies need to be manually added. This has been done for some, but not all, stages.

Some features of the cmake build process:

  • Builds multiple binaries based on the build parameters:
  • Properly builds UPC source (if you name the source .upc or set the LANGUAGE and LINKER_LANGUAGE property to UPC)
    • Sets the -D definition flags consistently
    • Supports -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release or Debug


To run, use the src/hipmer/run_hipmer.sh script which requires the install directory and meraculous.config file:

${PREFIX}/bin/run_hipmer.sh ${PREFIX} meraculous.config

There are several configuration files in test/pipeline/*.config:

Config File Description
meraculous-validation.config a small validation test
meraculous-ecoli.config ecoli dataset, easy to run on single node systems with limited cores & memory
meraculous-chr14.config human chromosome 14 (diploid). Can be run on single node systems, but will be slower than ecoli.
meraculous-human.config full human dataset, requires around 1TB of memory

For convenience, there are run scripts in .platform_deploy that make it easier to run jobs. For systems like Edison, these scripts can be submitted directly to the job queue (with overridden queue, mppwidth and wall time options). For .generic_deploy, the scripts can be executed directly. The scripts expect the data for the tests to be in hipmer_name_data, where name is 'ecoli', 'validation', 'human', 'chr14'. If a dataset doesn't exist, the script will download and install it (with a stripe of 72 on Edison).

The run scripts automatically set the CORES_PER_NODE and THREADS variables. In the case of Edison, the number of threads is determined from the number of processors found at runtime, and the CORES_PER_NODE is fixed to 24. In the case of generic, the number of threads by default is all those available on the single node, and the CORES_PER_NODE is the same value. You can override these values, but make sure to set the CORES_PER_NODE appropriately if you change anything.

The pipeline can also be run with all the intermediate per-thread files in shared memory (/dev/shm), plus the FASTQ inputs. Set the environment variable USE_SHM=1 to achieve this. There are some scripts that have the shared memory option, e.g. .edison_deploy/test_hipmer_human-edison-shm.sh. Using shared memory will be faster, especially at larger concurrencies, but require a lot more memory (around 1TB for human).

Before launching run_hipmer.sh, some settings can be changed through environmental variables:

Physical memory properties:

The number of UPC threads in the job (MPI will not use hyperthreads):

The rundirectory to place all the files (will be created if necessary):

Gasnet properties (by default 80% of physmem):
UPC properties:
  UPC_SHARED_HEAP_MB=15500 (Do not set to use 80% of the node memory)

HipMer options (will override config file defaults):
  MIN_DEPTH_CUTOFF=0 # use 0 for auto-detect after UFX generation

MPI/UPC environment:
  MPIRUN=mpirun -n 20
  UPCRUN=upcrun    -shared-heap=15500M  -n

Note: the Illumina Version is automatically detected, and will be reported in the output for the run. To override, set the ILLUMINA_VERSION environment variable.

Some features of run_hipmer.sh:

  • Should detect and run the alternate diploid workflow if set in the config file
  • Runs the proper set and ordering of splinter, spanner, bmaToLinks and oNo for all libraries based on the config file
  • Organizes inputs by library, finds the files specified in the config file
  • Calls the proper version of binaries (KMER_LENGTH & READ_LENGTH)
  • Logs all commands and timings in timings.log
  • Aborts on error, continues on first failed step
  • Validates that outputs are generated

To rerun specific stages in the pipeline, first delete the .log file for the stage or stages, and then execute:

export RUNDIR=<name of output dir>
${PREFIX}/bin/run_hipmer.sh <install_path> <output_dir>/<config_file>

Other helper scripts:

${PREFIX}/bin/rerun_stage.sh <stage>

Execute from within the output dir for a run, and it will scan the timings.log to determine what stages have run. Without any arguments, it will show a list of stages, one or more of which can then be passed in a comma separated list to rerun those stages. The old files will be overwritten, except for timings.log, which will not be affected. Instead, the results are appended to a new file, timings-rerun.log.

${PREFIX}/bin/rerun_single_stage.sh <stage>

Similar to the rerun_stage.sh, execute this from within an output dir. However, when run with a stage name, it will simple bring up the command line to execute that stage without actually running it, so you can edit the command lin and then hit enter to execute it. Also, it will not update the .log file or the timings.log, but it will change any files that running that stage will normally change. This script needs to be run from within an interactive session.

${PREFIX}/bin/compare_results.sh <dir1> <dir2>

Pass in two different directories and it will compare the outputs using a number of statistics. Because of non-determinism in the scaffolding process, this is the best we can do for checking for similarities.


Execute from within the output dir for a run and it will extract the time taken by each stage, both the internal and the overall time (including the job launch time).


The HipMer workflow is controlled within the configuration file, when the libraries are specified. For each library, you can specify what round of oNo to use it in, and you can specify whether or not to use it for splinting. The workflow is as follows (see run_hipmer.sh for details):

  1. (prepare input fastq files)
  2. They must be uncompressed
  3. They ought to be striped for efficient parallel access
  4. prepare meraculous.config
  5. ufx
  6. contigs
  7. contigMerDepth
  8. if diploid:
    1. contigEndAnalyzer
    2. bubbleFinder
  9. (optionally upc_canonical_assembly: canonical_contigs.fa)
  10. for each library:
    1. merAligner
    2. splinter (if specified in config file)
  11. for each oNoSetID:
    1. for each library in that oNoSetId:
      1. merAlignerAnalyzer (histogrammer)
      2. spanner
    2. bmaToLinks
    3. merger 4 for each oNoRuns choose a -p
      1. oNo
    4. splitter
  12. gapclosing
  13. upc_canonical_assembly: final_assembly.fa

This means that the first round of bmaToLinks could end up processing the outputs from multiple iterations of splinter plus multiple ones of spanner. The subsequent calls to bmaToLinks will only process outputs from spanner.