React TODO

  • start from the up-to-date master branch (git checkout master; git pull origin master)
  • Create a feature branch named 'react-chat' (git checkout -b react-todo)
  • Add files as required
  • add, commit, and push the branch to github
  • Create a PR to merge to master
  • Be sure to include the reviewer(s)
  • Due by 11:59pm (PT) Thu Apr 9

Goal and Requirements

This assignment is a little different:

  • You will interact with an existing service that you can't change
  • And whoever wrote it has weird ideas about what is convenient to use
  • You will need to read the server code to figure out what it is doing, but not change the server code

The dev-server can run with npm start (You will need to run npm install first).

The services server is run with npm run server

You will need to build your react and ensure it all works with only the services server running (no dev-server)

The goal is to:

  • Write a React-based front end that uses the provided services
    • Without changing the services
  • Using the services, the front end will:
    • Require login
    • Show the current todo list
      • Each task has a name and a "done" boolean
    • All the addition and removal of items from the todo list
    • Allow marking a task as done or not done
    • Allow editing of a task text
    • Be attractive, usable, and understandable
    • Allow modification of the theme preference
  • In addition to the base service options, the front end (not based on any services) will:
    • Allow the user to toggle from having "done" tasks as visible or not (filtering)
    • Allow the user to sort the tasks by task name (alphabetically, both ascending and descending)
    • Allow the user to sort tasks by done/not done (both with done first or with not done first)
    • The filtering and sorting options will be attractive and understandable
    • Have a "refresh" button that does NOT reload the page, but DOES reload the list of tasks
      • Be sure your filter/sort options match the results (e.g. don't show that you are filtering out "done" tasks if after a refresh if you are no longer doing so. There is no requirement on the behavior after a refresh, only that your UI and behavior match)
    • Only allow the modification of "theme" to one of three options: 'dark', 'light', and 'colorful'
      • The service has no such restriction, but the front end will do only allow you to select one of those three
    • Depending on the stored theme, the application will have some sort of matching styling
      • if the service has an invalid theme stored, the front end will instead default to one of the three
    • You do NOT have to show every message from the server, but you must show messages the user needs to see
      • You must convert the server-provided messages to friendlier messages


  • You are NOT required to any specific hooks (e.g. useReducer is not required)
  • Your code (client-side) should show good separation of concerns
  • Your CSS should not use names to describe the appearance
    • theme name is okay, as it isn't too specific
  • Your JSX should be in small, targeted components and follow the best practices from class.
  • Non-presentation logic (such as service calls) should be in pure JS files without JSX with functions imported into components as needed


  • You may create your generated HTML as you see fit, but it must be fundamentally semantically valid and other best practices from class
  • You may create the CSS as you see fit but you must follow the best practices given in class
  • You may add icons and background images but there is no requirement to do so


  • You must not modify the server-side files at ALL (this includes formatting!)
  • You must commit your build files (npm run build)
  • All JSX files should have the .jsx extension, all vanilla JS files should have the .js extension
  • Do not read from the DOM directly
  • Do not modify the DOM except via React
  • Do not use external JS outside of express, cookie-parser, uuid, nodemon, and what create-react-app installs
  • Do not use external CSS libraries (except for icon libraries if desired - no JS!)
  • You may not use floats to do more than manage flowing text with images
  • You may not use HTML tables or CSS table layouts
  • Do not have any files in your PR except for the assignment (no files in other assignment directories, for example)
  • Do not use var
  • Do not use alert
  • Do not use terrible variable names
  • Do not have console.log debugging messages or commented out code
  • Do not use localStorage/sessionStorage/IndexedDB
  • Do not use redirects or page reloads
  • Do not use document.cookie
  • You may not use CSS preprocessors, minifiers, or other tools to modify your CSS