Densely Connected Convolutional Networks, In CVPR 2017 (Best Paper Award).
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Different DensceNet
#70 opened by thanhdangg - 1
Question on impede information flow
#58 opened by Sirius083 - 0
cannot open </cifar-10-python/data_batch_1>
#68 opened by buhuinanian - 2
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image classification
#67 opened by ewwll - 0
Receptive field of DenseNet
#66 opened by kHarshit - 0
Question on the last transition layer
#65 opened by zlenyk - 0
Densenet on CIFAR training from scratch
#63 opened by qiangwang57 - 2
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validation top1 error is odd
#43 opened by Itsanewday - 2
DenseNet on Pascal VOC
#47 opened by blateyang - 1
Why is composite function BN-ReLU-Conv3x3 ?
#50 opened by RDShi - 12
Will you release the pre-train models on Caffe
#10 opened by soeaver - 6
question about standardization
#55 opened by yuffon - 6
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The layers within the second and third dense block don't assign the least weight to the outputs of the transition layer in my trained model
#53 opened by seasonyc - 2
Why not share the first BN and ReLU?
#52 opened by Sunnydreamrain - 1
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I tried to reproduce Wide-DenseNet-BC results on cifar10, but got 0.5% more than your error
#49 opened by seasonyc - 1
results on cifar100
#48 opened by apeterswu - 1
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Question about batch_size, epoch setting
#40 opened by guvcolie - 2
Why 3 dense blocks, instead of downsampling
#42 opened by ozyilmaz - 2
A question about network structure
#39 opened by linquanxu - 3
About a tensorflow implementation
#15 opened by jh-jeong - 4
What is proper way of counting parameters?
#38 opened by Lyken17 - 5
There is a MXNet implement of DenseNet with pretrained model in ImageNet dataset
#35 opened by miraclewkf - 5
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TypeError: Expected int32, got list containing Tensors of type '_Message' instead.
#31 opened by fffupeng - 3
Purpose using first convolution
#29 opened by John1231983 - 1
Is there a pad=1 in pool1 ?
#30 opened by xmyqsh - 7
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about nninit package
#25 opened by xichangzun - 3
#20 opened by 1292765944 - 1
Imagenet preprocessing script
#16 opened by Coderx7 - 1
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Memory efficient implementation of Caffe
#23 opened by haikuoyao - 3
Deep-Narrow DenseNet
#18 opened by cgarciae - 3
Convolution after ReLU in Dense Layer Question
#17 opened by cgarciae - 6
The amount of parameters
#14 opened by shamangary - 1
DenseNet structure on imagenet
#13 opened by Lyken17 - 1
error using CAddTable and ConcatTable
#11 opened by brisker - 1
error when loading pretrained model??
#12 opened by eriche2016