

  1. Write an implementation of an ArrayList.

Implementing an Array-backed List

For this lesson we provide a partial implementation of an ArrayList that uses a Java array to store the elements. We left four of the methods incomplete; your job is to fill them in. We provide JUnit tests you can use to check your work.


When you check out the repository for this lab, you should find a file structure similar to what you saw in the previous lab. The top level directory contains CONTRIBUTING.md, LICENSE.md, README.md, and the directory that contains the code for this lab, javacs-lab02.

In the subdirectory javacs-lab02/src/com/flatironschool/javacs you'll find the source files you need for this lab:

*  `MyArrayList.java` contains a partial implementation of the `List` interface using a Java array to store the elements.

*  `MyArrayListTest.java` contains JUnit tests for `MyArrayList`.

In javacs-lab02, you'll find the Ant build file build.xml. If you are in this directory, you should be able to run ant MyArrayList to run MyArrayList.java, which contains a few simple tests. Or you can run ant MyArrayListTest to run the JUnit test.

When you run the tests, several of them should fail. If you examine the source code, you'll find four TODO comments indicating which methods you will fill in.

MyArrayList code

Before you start filling in the missing methods, let's walk through some of the code. Here are the instance variables and the constructor.

public class MyArrayList<E> implements List<E> {
	int size;                    // keeps track of the number of elements
	private E[] array;           // stores the elements
	public MyArrayList() {
		array = (E[]) new Object[10];
		size = 0;

As the comments indicate, size keeps track of how many elements are in MyArrayList, and array is the array that actually contains the elements.

The constructor creates an array of 10 elements, which are initially null, and sets size to 0. Most of the time, the length of the array is bigger than size, so there are unused slots in the array.

One detail about Java: You can't instantiate an array of T[], so you have to instantiate an array of Object and then typecast it. You can read more about this issue here.

Next we'll look at the method that adds elements to the list. Here's our implementation of add:

	public boolean add(E element) {
		if (size >= array.length) {
			// make a bigger array and copy over the elements
			E[] bigger = (E[]) new Object[array.length * 2];
			System.arraycopy(array, 0, bigger, 0, array.length);
			array = bigger;
		array[size] = element;
		return true;

If there are no unused spaces in the array, we have to create a bigger array and copy over the elements. Then we can store the element in the array and increment size.

It might not be obvious why this method returns a boolean, since it seems like it always returns true. As always, you can find the answer in the documentation.

It's also not obvious how to analyze the performance of this method. In the normal case, it's constant time, but if we have to resize the array, it's linear. In the next README we'll explain how we can handle this.

We'll look at get next, and then you can fill in set. Actually, get is pretty simple:

	public T get(int index) {
		if (index < 0 || index >= size) {
			throw new IndexOutOfBoundsException();
		return array[index];

If the index is out of bounds, it throws an exception; otherwise it reads and returns an element of the array. Notice that it checks whether the index is less than size, not array.length, so it's not possible to access the unused elements of the array.


  • In MyArrayList.java, you'll find a stub for set that looks like this:
	public T set(int index, T element) {
		// TODO: fill in this method.
		return null;

Read the documentation of set, then fill in the body of this method. If you run MyArrayListTest again, testSet should pass.

HINT: Try to avoid repeating the index-checking code.

  • Your next mission is to fill in indexOf. As usual, you should read the documentation so you know what it's supposed to do. In particular, notice how it is supposed to handle null.

    To make things a little easier, we've provided a helper method called equals that compares an element from the array to a target value and returns true if they are equal (and it handles null correctly). Notice that this method is private because it is used inside this class but it is not part of the List interface.

When you are done, run MyArrayListTest again; testIndexOf should pass now, as well as the other tests that depend on it.

  • Only two more methods to go, and you'll be done with this lab. The next one is an overloaded version of add that takes an index and stores the new value at the given index, shifting the other elements to make room, if necessary.

Again, read the documentation, write an implementation, and run the tests for confirmation.

HINT: Avoid repeating the code that makes the array bigger.

Once you have your implementation working, compare it to mine, which you can find by checking out the solutions branch of the repo, or you can read it on GitHub.

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