Software developer with engineer's degree in Computing. Hang-gliding flight instructor, a father, dungeon master, gamer, computerphile, and science enthusiast.
Aileron d.o.o. @aileron-split Osijek
livada's Following
- alicevision
- apache
- artellblender
- AstronomyLiveYt
- BabylonJS
- BastiaanOlijGodot
- bluesky-social
- bradtraversyTraversy Media
- BradyAJohnstonThe University of Western Australia
- britalmeida
- CoryBrown-42The Firm
- devdattaTPune
- EmbarkStudiosStockholm, Sweden
- fogleman@Formlabs
- gnuradio
- godotengineWorldwide
- haileyok@bluesky-social
- hareldunn
- HungryProtonFrance
- jotsonJohn Watson, LLC
- minevistCroatia
- nilsberglund-orleansUniversity of Orléans and CNRS
- openai
- OvervDelft, The Netherlands
- peppy@ppy
- pfistPortland
- playcanvasLondon, UK
- sasa-buklijas
- senbox-org
- shadowwalker@Roblox
- spoter368
- sschmausGermany
- tapir2342
- turanszkij
- wjakobEPFL