
Repo for CKAN instances page

Primary LanguageCSS

This is the repo for the iframe within http://ckan.org/instances/

How do I add my CKAN instance?

Just add it to the CKAN Census!

Script for importing instances from the census

TODO: Automate all this stuff!

If you have push rights on this repo, you can import instances from a CSV export of the Census Google Spreadsheet using the import_from_census.py script.

Assuming you exported the Census to census.csv and placed on the same directory, you can run:

python import_from_census.py

By default, this will modify the config/instances.json file in place and download a screenshot of the new sites. Run python import_from_census.py -h to see all the available options.

Screenshots need to be resize manually, as the screenshot service (http://webshot.okfnlabs.org) does not support it.

You can use eg:

sudo apt-get install imagemagick
for file in *.png; do convert $file -resize 350x250 $file; done

Review the changes and push them to the gh-pages branch to make them public.