Uses open data from the University of Bergen (UiB). Imports, stores in DB and provides API (JSON).
This is a package of PHP-scripts used to:
- Import open data from the University of Bergen (UiB) and store it in a database.
- Give an API to fetch data, provide full-text search etc. Can be used to feed data to a web-app.
It was created for a student project, but can easily be reused for other applications using the same data sets.
Is found on the GitHub-repository
See code comments or ask the author.
- Copy files to a webserver with PHP-capabilities and a MySQL-database.
- Set up connect.php (see sample-connect.php)
- Run scripts (named "fetch...") in web browser to populate database
- Download Slim framework and place in subfolder "Slim"
- Make sure .htaccess-file is updloaded for the Slim-framework to be able to provide you with an API.
"Slim PHP micro framework" for API
See UiB's web pages about open data:
And provisional documentation of the datasets used:
See separate file with license.
Some points to improve upon later:
- Translate all code and comments to english
- Create script to run import every day (i.e. cron-job). Current script clears database table for each import.
- Give links to guides used.
- Document what each file does and all routes in the API.
Contact author at livarbe at
For questions regarding UiBs open data, contact UiB at