Version : 1.2
Unity Version : 2018.3.11f
LowpolyOcean is a highly customizable water shader system, style is Low poly.
Supports water surface and under water effects, and under water effects can be seamlessly switches.
Here is the built-in render pipeline version, The Lightweight RP version in Unity asset store.
All code has been rewritten and optimized in the Lightweight RP version.
Mode | built-in RP | Lightweight RP |
Performance | Slower | Faster |
Lighting style | Pixel | Pixel, Flat |
Fron Side Lighting Module | UnityPBS | Blinn-Phong, SunShine |
Point Light | Built-in method | Blinn-Phong |
Reflection | Planar | Color, CubeTexture, Probes |
Under Water | Simple | Advanced |
- Refraction consumes too much performance, unless the water does not receive shadows, In Lightweight RP, transparent objects can also receive shadows (limited), and opaque texture is relatively cheap to obtain.
- In order to achieve refraction offset effect, need to use camera to render the camera depth texture of water. In Lightweight RP, only one pass is needed.
- In Unity 2019.1.0f2, shadow display is incorrect.
Unity Document :
GPU Gems :
Catlike Coding :
Assassin’s Creed III: The tech behind (or beneath) the action :
Reference for HLSL :
Assassin’s Creed: Black Flag – Waterplane :