
Everything you desire in the revolution of cryptocurrency.

Primary LanguagePython

CryptoHub_Bot is a Telegram bot to let you index, check, join any group about cryptocurrency automatically.


/start start

/list show all categories, we have categories about cryptocurrency, exchange, wallet, mining, OTC, and other related topics.

/check coinname search group, eg: /check btc

/join index your group to the Bot(only works in groups and only can used by admin, so you must add the bot to a group, type command /join, and follow the prompts to input basic information.) After that the group information will be sent to channel automatically.

/delete remove your group from bot.

Inline Mode

eg: type @Crypt0Hub_Bot btc in any chat and select btc, then all groups about btc will be sent.

Build your own

  1. Install mongodb
  2. copy config.json config_user.json and type your settings in config_user.json
  3. python3 main.py


This work is inspired by GroupHub_bot(my project)[DEPRECATED], osiris-groupindexer, Telegram 中文群组列表机器人[DEPRECATED].

