A quick & practical example of using initContainer to bootstrap a theme for SSO pods running atop OpenShift or Kubernetes
Customize this, or another theme, as you see fit -- the only change between this theme and the original Red Hat theme is a login background image: if the theme is configured correctly via initContainer, you'll see an image of clouds when accessing your SSO service.
Configure an initContainer call in your existing SSO deploymentConfig:
- command: [ 'sh', '-c', 'curl -L -k -o theme.zip https://github.com/liveaverage/keycloak-custom-theme/archive/master.zip && unzip theme.zip -d /opt/eap/themes/rh-sso && mv /opt/eap/themes/rh-sso/*/* /opt/eap/themes/rh-sso/']
image: >-
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: init-theme
resources: {}
terminationMessagePath: /dev/termination-log
terminationMessagePolicy: File
- mountPath: /opt/eap/themes/rh-sso
name: vol-theme
Also ensure you have a corresponding emptyDir defined in the existing volumes list:
- name: sso-x509-https-volume
defaultMode: 420
secretName: sso-x509-https-secret
- name: sso-x509-jgroups-volume
defaultMode: 420
secretName: sso-x509-jgroups-secret
- emptyDir: {}
name: vol-theme
This directory will be populated with theme files by the initContainer, and mounted at the default location of /opt/eap/themes/rh-sso
by your SSO container, which should eliminate the need for PVs and keep your theming a bit more dynamic (especially important if you're deploying multiple SSO pods requiring the same theme).