
SDK for 'Sign in with LiveChat'.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


accountsSDK is a small library that installs the "Sign in with LiveChat" button on any website or app. It also wraps OAuth flow in an easy-to-use API.


npm install --save @livechat/accounts-sdk


Example sign in with LiveChat button designs. Assets are available here.

Button Small button

Example popup

import AccountsSDK from '@livechat/accounts-sdk';

// create new SDK instance with it's options
const sdk = new AccountsSDK({
  client_id: '<your_app_client_id>'

document.getElementById('login-button').onclick = (e) => {
  if (e && e.preventDefault) {

    const transaction = sdk.verify(authorizeData);
    if (transaction != null) {
      // authorization success
      // authorizeData contains `accessToken` or `code`
      // transation contains state and optional code_verifier (code + PKCE)



Authorize using a popup. It's possible to pass options to override constructor options.

const sdk = new AccountsSDK(options)
const promise = sdk.popup(options).authorize()

Authorize using iframe. It's possible to pass options to override constructor options. Works when a browser doesn't check for ITP, and user authentication is set.

const sdk = new AccountsSDK(options)
const promise = sdk.iframe(options).authorize()

Authorize using a full redirect. Authorize function performs full browser redirect to an authorization server. authorizeData function checks if authorization is set in URL.

const sdk = new AccountsSDK(options)

  // authorize data found in URL
  const transaction = sdk.verify(authorizeData);

  // authorize data missing, redirect to authorization server


  • client_id string required registered client ID
  • organization_id string organization ID
  • prompt string use consent to force consent prompt in a popup and redirect flows
  • response_type='token' string OAuth response type, use token or code
  • popup_flow='auto' string auto - don't show popup when credentials are not required, manual - always show popup
  • state string OAuth state param, auto generated by SDK when empty
  • verify_state=true bool a function that returns transaction should verify if the state matches
  • scope string - custom scope list, must be a subset of preconfigured client ID scopes
  • redirect_uri string OAuth redirect URI - current location by default
  • email_hint string fill in an email hint in forms
  • server_url='https://accounts.livechat.com' string authorization server url
  • path='' string option to provide a path when loading accounts, for example /signup
  • tracking object tracking querystring params
  • transaction.namespace='com.livechat.accounts' string transaction keys prefix
  • transaction.key_length=32 number transaction random state length
  • transaction.force_local_storage=false bool try to use local storage instead of cookies
  • pkce.enabled=true bool Oauth 2.1 PKCE extension enabled for code grant
  • pkce.code_verifier string override auto generated code verifier
  • pkce.code_verifier_length=128 number code verifier length, between 43 and 128 characters https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc7636#section-4.1
  • pkce.code_challange_method='S256' string code challange method, use S256 or plain


One of components uses crypto library called SJCL. We include a custom build in src/vendor/sjcl.js that only includes the pieces we need and avoids bundler errors caused by Node requires in standard version.

To do this build yourself and verify code integrity, do the following:

  1. Clone the SJCL repo.
  2. Check out a 1.0.8 version.
  3. Run ./configure --without-all --with-sha256 --compress=none to configure our build.
  4. Run make sjcl.js to build the file.
  5. Compare newly created sjcl.js with the one included in src/vendor.