Demo available at
This is an EXPERIMENTAL tool to help publish Splunk dashboard using AWS Serverless technology and is Work-In-Progress, however please feel free to contact me for more information or to contribute.
For background information on this please see our recent SplunkConf talk "DEV1665B - Publishing entire Splunk dashboards online using the latest dashboard features" at
We are just ironing out a couple of issues and will upload a new version the week following Splunk .conf20 (w/c 26th Oct! Check back soon!)
The Lambda role is granted access to AWS secrets in /splunkdash/*
- Static images are not uploaded - This feature is being tested and will be added shortly.
- Searches containing certain HTML characters may be converted to their HTML entities. - This is being tested and fixed shortly.
This has been shared as a Proof of Concept, however I intend to iron out issues to make it more useful to external users. Please get in touch if you experience issues, or feel free to submit a Merge Request.