- 0
[Video Disruptor] Test Project
#222 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 0
[Open Livepeer Network] Livepeer Suite
#221 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 0
[Microgrant] 0xCastle
#220 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 0
[Microgrant] FOIA/Case Explorer
#219 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 0
[Microgrant] Dev & Tell Developer DAO
#218 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 2
[Video Disruptor] ARGO Academy
#210 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 1
[Video Disruptor] ViewFi
#214 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 0
[Video Disruptor] ORIGIN STØRIES
#217 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 0
- 0
#215 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 0
[Video Disruptor] BloomersTV
#213 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 7
[Microgrant] In-stream ads with Ad blocker detection on Livepeer player
#212 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 16
[Video Disruptor] New monetization model for Orchestrator and streamers(Broadcasters) with ads-stitching support on Livepeer Node(Go-Livepeer) : Dynamic ads(video) insertion(Server side ads insertion).
#202 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 1
[Video Disruptor] DocOS
#206 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 8
[Video Disruptors Grant]:
#176 opened by toshitsom - 1
- 2
[Video Disruptor] BloomersTV
#204 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 12
[Open LN Grant]: RFP - Grants Node Operations
#189 opened by dob - 15
[Video Disruptors Grant]:AI extended Livepeer SDK( player and broadcast component): Live closed captions, subtitles,AI moderation and AI generated virtual backgrounds
#193 opened by scapula07 - 0
[Microgrant] Lenspeer
#211 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 2
[Video Disruptor] Si Her Livestream
#203 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 9
[Video Disruptors Grant]: Livepeer-IVA: Intelligent Video Analytics with Gstreamer and Livepeer
#190 opened by justmert - 2
[Microgrant] Livepeer Exporter
#201 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 2
[Microgrant] theHerd.Radio
#200 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 0
[Open Livepeer Network] Movespot
#209 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 3
[Sponsorship]: Event Name input suggestions and on the livepeer site there may be bugs
#195 opened by axlywb - 0
[Microgrant] Skillmatrix
#208 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 0
[Video Disruptor] Free AI Video Upscaler
#207 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 13
[Video Disruptors Grant]: Kinora— Enhanced Livepeer Video Player + SDK for AI Quests w/ Privacy Preserving Metrics
#170 opened by emmajane1313 - 19
[Video Disruptors Grant]: LivePeer support for Decentraland Ultra Low Latency Components.
#171 opened by carlton355 - 3
- 6
[Microgrant]: Implement Livepeer on RADAR Launch
#187 opened by RadarDAO - 2
[Video Disruptors Grant]: SI HER
#192 opened by hansy - 0
[Microgrant] theHerd.Radio
#199 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 0
[Microgrant] theHerd.Radio
#198 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 0
[Microgrant] theHerd.Radio
#197 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 0
[Microgrant] theHerd.Radio
#196 opened by livepeer-grants-bot - 3
[Video Disruptors Grant]: video film education and Game
#182 opened by axlywb - 7
#177 opened by fqclean - 7
- 3
[Video Disruptors Grant]: Refraction
#181 opened by rafkats - 3
[Open LN Grant]: Livepeer Telegram Bot
#191 opened by tolgayayci - 9
[Microgrant]: Web3Arabs
#173 opened by KhairallahA - 4
[Video Disruptors Grant]: Live Cinema
#175 opened by divineinferno - 3
[Video Disruptors Grant]: Vessel
#186 opened by cryptohun3y - 5
[Microgrant]: Giottus Livepeer(LPT) Listing Proposal
#178 opened by Mohangio - 3
[Open LN Grant]: WalletD
#184 opened by LivBoss - 3
- 5
[Video Disruptors Grant]:
#174 opened by KuadraTV - 4
[Microgrant]: Decentraclasses
#172 opened by HiberNuts