
Graduated from HackYourFuture and life has no meaning anymore? Not to worry: the post graduation package is here!

Primary LanguageHTML

If you are following the HackYourFuture curriculum we recommend you to start with module 1: HTML/CSS/GIT. To get a complete overview of the HackYourFuture curriculum first, click here.

Please help us improve and share your feedback! If you find better tutorials or links, please share them by opening a pull request.

Post Graduation Education


Dear alumnus, congratulations on finishing the HackYourFuture 7 month program!

In this repository you’ll find outlined a post graduation education curriculum. It's optional and serves as a structure for you to use whenever you want to prepare yourself for a job.

There are a couple of things we can work on:


  • Web Application development
  • Algorithmic thinking
  • Technical assignments


  • Explaining technical concepts
  • English fluency
  • Confidence & mindset

Each week you'll do exercises in order to strengthen all these skills. You'll also practice solidifying the fundamentals of web development:

- JavaScript fundamentals (basic syntax, event loop, OOP)
- Form validation
- Synchronous versus asynchronous
- Authentication & authorization
- Client-server model
- The role of JSON (parse, stringify)
- API routing/client-side routing
- Database modeling
- Frontend state management
- Code modularization
- Working with external services/APIs

Ideally, in 4 weeks you should be very clear about what each of these concept mean and what their role is in application development.

How to use this repository

This module is designed to be used alongside the Getting your first job/internship guide. Consider this the reading material to be used to keep your eye on the prize: a paid web developer job.


In order to stay motivated it's good to hold yourself accountable. That's not always that easy. Therefore, HackYourFuture has created a special channel on Slack that you can use in order to discuss, ask for help and keep your motivation.

In addition we'll arrange for a mentor to supervise your learning. Each Sunday you'll check in with them to share your learnings and get feedback.


Week Topic Homework
1. JavaScript Cardio I, Algorithms I, Application Development I, Technical Assignment I Practice W1
2. JavaScript Cardio II, Algorithms II, Application Development II Practice W2
3. JavaScript Cardio III, Algorithms III, Application Development III, Technical Assignment II Practice W3
4. JavaScript Cardio IV, Algorithms IV, Application Development IV Practice W4


The goal of this curriculum is NOT to go through it and finish "knowing" how to do all these things. Working on these things is a never-ending process.

Instead, your goal should be to become familiar with these topics and always keep on learning. That way getting a job will be a natural consequence of your efforts.

If you've finished this module and you're

Good luck and have fun!


Have you been through all the 4 weeks? You're amazing! Now all that's left is to find a job.

However, before you apply there's a final thing to do...

The HackYourFuture curriculum is subject to CC BY copyright. This means you can freely use our materials, but just make sure to give us credit for it :)

Creative Commons License
This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.