
A service for (un)binding keyboard up and down events.

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


NPM release Build Ember Observer

A service for (un)binding keyboard up and down events.


  • ember install ember-key-manager


Bind key event anywhere services are available e.g., routes, models, controllers, components.


Set global options in a keyManagerConfig object in your application's config/environment.js:

  keyManagerConfig: {
    disableOnInput: true,


Defaults to false. Set the global option to true to change the default. This can still be overridden by passing in the flag on the register method.

Public Methods

register({keys, name, selector=$(document), downCallback, upCallback, priority=0, disableOnInput})

Accepts an object with the following attributes:

Name Type Required Default Description
keys array of strings Yes <none> An array of keys that comprise the shortcut e.g., ['meta', 'enter']. If keys contains multiple modifier keys, they still comprise one shortcut e.g., ['meta', 'shift', 'enter'] is a single shortcut that executes when all three of those keys are pressed.
name string Yes <none> A unique string by which you can identify – and deregister – the shortcut.
selector jQuery selector No $(document) A jQuery selector by which to scope the shortcut.
downCallback function No <none> A function to be called when the shortcut keys are matched and the keydown event is fired.
upCallback function No <none> A function to be called when the shortcut keys are matched and the keyup event is fired.
priority integer No 0 An integer used to prioritize shortcuts should the shortcuts with the same keys be bound at the same time. For example, you bind the escape key on a route and the route's template renders a component that also binds the escape key. Highest priority takes precedence.
disableOnInput boolean No false A boolean to determine whether the callback should be fired when an input, textarea, or select element is active.


Accepts an object with the following attribute:

Name Type Required Default Description
name string Yes <none> The same string with which the shortcut was registered in the register() call.

Key Names

The full list of key names can be found here.

The modifier keys – those that don't trigger execution of a shortcut – can be found here.


Here's an example usage on a component:

import Ember from 'ember';

const {
} = Ember;

export default Ember.Component.extend({
  keyManager: inject.service(),

  didInsertElement() {
    get(this, 'keyManager').register({
      keys: ['escape'],
      name: 'search-modal',
      downCallback: run.bind(this, function() {
      priority: 10,

  willDestroyElement() {
    get(this, 'keyManager').deregister({
      name: 'search-modal', // This name must match the name the binding was registered with above.

  actions: {

And an example on a route:

import Ember from 'ember';

const {
} = Ember;

export default Ember.Route.extend({
  keyManager: inject.service(),

  actions: {
    didTransition() {

      get(this, 'keyManager').register({
        keys: ['escape'],
        name: 'fancy-route',
        downCallback: run.bind(this, this._redirectToLaLaLand),
        priority: 100,

    willTransition() {

      get(this, 'keyManager').deregister({
        name: 'fancy-route',

  // The `event` that's returned as a parameter here is the JS keyboard event.
  _redirectToLaLaLand(event) {
    if (event) {



Running Tests

  • npm test (Runs ember try:each to test your addon against multiple Ember versions)
  • ember test
  • ember test --server