
This project is the backend of an application used to retrieve information of specifics lawsuits from a brazilian court of justice, TJAL.

Getting Started

This project was built using python3, pip3 to install the libraries and PostgreSQL version 10.2 or above.

Clone the repo

$ git clone
$ cd backend-crawler

Method 1 - Running with docker-compose

You will need docker v19.03.4 and docker-compose v1.24.1. The database is configured to connect to the port 5432 (postgres default port).

# build and run container
$ docker-compose up --build -d

# create tables and add seeds to database
$ docker-compose exec -T postgres psql -U postgres court_crawler < configs/db_initializer.sql

It will run at http://localhost:3333/

Test the routes

Method 2 - From project folder

Install the requirements file:

$ pip3 install -r requirements.txt

You must have a user/role configured to run the database initializer. If you have problems, check out Troubleshooting & Support. Then run

$ createdb -T template0 court_crawler
$ psql court_crawler < configs/db_initializer.sql

You will probably have to change the user and password connection parameters in the configuration file located at configs/db_credentials.local to something like


And serve the API

$ python3 modules/api/

It will run at http://localhost:3333/

Test the routes

Running the tests

$ pytest -s


You can test the following routes in the browser or with postman using the URLs



Process number examples:

  • 0067154-55.2010.8.02.0001
  • 0000575-40.2014.8.02.0081
  • 0000214-28.2011.8.02.0081
  • 0717561-98.2019.8.02.0001
  • 0716715-81.2019.8.02.0001
  • 0725703-91.2019.8.02.0001

The frontend project is here