
Repository containing the instances that were considered in the paper "A MIXED-INTEGER LINEAR PROGRAMMING APPROACH TO SUPPORT BLOOD PRODUCTS NEGOTIATION" by Barreto, Livia Rodrigues Barreto; do Carmo, Breno Barros Telles; Fontes, Fábio Francisco da Costa; Costa, Luciano Carlos Azevedo.

The generated instances represent three scenarios: state, considering the blood banks in the state of Rio Grande do Norte/Brazil (RN); regional, taking into account the blood banks in the nine states of the Brazilian Northeast region (NE); and national, including the blood banks throughout Brazil (BR).

Each instance is named according to the scenario it represents. Hence, we have three instances groups: RN-X, NE-X, BR-X, where X represents the number of products considered in the instance.

Each instance file is organized as follows:

  • O: Matrix of supplies of blood product k at blood bank i
  • PO: Penalty two-dimensional vector associated with the offer of each blood product k (related to the expiration date) at blood bank i
  • D: Matrix of demand for blood product k at blood bank j
  • PD: Penalty two-dimensional vector associated with the demand of each blood product k (related to stock level criticality) at blood bank j
  • Z: Two-dimensional vector that is a function of the distance between the origin and destination