
Full-featured HTTP API for addok

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


node-current Coverage Status

A full-featured HTTP API for addok


  • Node.js 18 LTS and above
  • yarn
  • redis 7 and above
  • wget or curl
  • unzip
  • python 3.10
  • valid addok install (conform with addok.conf)

Copy and edit env file

cp .env.sample .env
Environment variable name Description
ADDOK_CONFIG_MODULE * Path to addok configuration file
SQLITE_DB_PATH Path to addok SQLite database
ADDOK_FILTERS A list of fields to be indexed as available filters
ADDOK_CLUSTER_NUM_NODES Number of nodes to instantiate (default to number of CPUs)
ADDOK_REDIS_URL Connection string to addok Redis instance (can be an array)
ADDOK_REDIS_DATA_DIR Path to Redis data dir (in case you want addok-server handle its own redis-server instance)
ADDOK_REDIS_STARTUP_TIMEOUT Limit time allowed to Redis to start when using managed Redis
PYTHON_PATH Path to python executable to use


If you want to use the currently downloaded data :

  • ADDOK_CONFIG_MODULE=data/addok.conf
  • SQLITE_DB_PATH=data/addok.db

Install dependencies and start node server

yarn && yarn start

Start redis server (open a new terminal)


Example with French BAN

Assuming you already follow this step Copy and edit env file

Download & extract required files

  • Download
wget https://adresse.data.gouv.fr/data/ban/adresses/latest/addok/addok-france-bundle.zip -O data.zip
  • Extract
unzip data.zip -d ./data
  • Remove zip archive
rm data.zip

Install dependencies and start node server

yarn && yarn start

Start redis server (open a new terminal)

Go to data path and run redis-server

cd data && redis-server



in the examples we assume that the server was started on the default port : 5000

GET /search

Param Description Default
q Text input to geocode (required)
autocomplete Auto-complete mode (boolean) false
lon, lat Coordinates of reference position
limit Number of returned results 5
filters Additional filters (depend on addok config) {}

example : curl "http://localhost:5000/search/?q=lil&autocomplete=1&limit=15"

GET /reverse

Param Description Default
lon, lat Coordinates of reference position (required)
filters Additional filters (depend on addok config) {}

example : curl "http://localhost:5000/reverse/?lon=2.2&lat=48.12?type=locality"

In this example, type is a filter. It was added to addok configuration.

POST /batch

This endpoint allows you to process multiple requests in a single POST request. You must send an array of requests that will be processed in parallel.

Param Description
requests An array of requests to process. Each request must be an object containing the keys id, operation and params (required)

Request object

Key Description Value example
id Identify each operation "foo" (string)
operation Define wich operation to execute "geocode" or "reverse" (string)
params Object with same params used for "geocode" or "reverse" {"q": "lille"} (geocode) - {"lon": 2.2, "lat": 48.12} (reverse)

batch body request example

  "requests": [
    {"id": "foo", "operation": "geocode", "params": {"q": "lille"}},
    {"id": "bar", "operation": "reverse", "params": {"lon": 2.2, "lat": 48.12}}

POST /search/csv

The CSV file must be passed via data parameter like this : data=@path/to/file.csv

example : curl -X POST -F data=@path/to/file.csv http://localhost:5000/search/csv/

You can define the columns to be used via multiple columns parameters

example : curl -X POST -F data=@path/to/file.csv -F columns=street -F columns=city http://localhost:5000/search/csv/

POST /reverse/csv

The CSV file, encoded in UTF-8 must be passed via the data parameter. It must contain lon and lat columns

example : curl -X POST -F data=@path/to/file.csv http://localhost:5000/reverse/csv/