
Livingdocs magazine example (living-times)

Primary LanguageHTMLMIT LicenseMIT

Magazine Example

This is an open-source demo magazine for developers working with the Livingdocs service. By default it will run with mock data from the mocks folder. An online version can be found on https://magazine-example.livingdocs.io

In order to run it locally with your own data, you will need to create an access token in Livingdocs and add it to conf/environments/local.js.

The design is written in scss and you find the sources in design/source/stylesheets. This is a good place to start making the magazine look like yours.

Before starting to develop make sure to check out our SDK: https://github.com/livingdocsIO/livingdocs-node-sdk


Node v8.x.x

Getting Started

First of all

npm install

Running the demo magazine locally (dev mode with mocks)

Start the server:

ENVIRONMENT=local npm start

To automatically open the magazine in the browser run:

ENVIRONMENT=local npm run start:open

Running the demo magazine locally (dev mode with backend data source, no mocks)

Open conf/environments/local.js and set your target data source, e.g. see client:

module.exports = {
  client: {
    url: 'https://server.livingdocs.io', // we take the production livingdocs service server here
    accessToken: 'your access token' // the access token to your magazine project
  imageServices: {
    imgix: {
      host: 'https://livingdocs-dev.imgix.net'

Start the server:

ENVIRONMENT=local npm run design:dev

To automatically open the magazine in the browser run:

ENVIRONMENT=local npm run design:dev:open

Running the demo magazine for production (no dev helpers and watchers)

Build the design:

npm run design:build

Start the server:

ENVIRONMENT=local npm run start:magazine

(or use your custom environment e.g. production, make sure to create a corresponding file under conf/environments, learn more about this on the "Deploy to now.sh" section)

To run the demo magazine with mocks in production mode:

ENVIRONMENT=local npm run start:magazine -- --mocked

Deploy to now.sh

The deployment to now.sh serves as a sample deployment.

  1. Create an account on https://zeit.co/now
  2. Add a file now.js to conf/environments with the following content:
/* eslint-disable max-len */

module.exports = {
  client: {
    url: 'https://server.livingdocs.io',
    accessToken: 'your access token'
  imageServices: {
    imgix: {
      host: 'https://livingdocs-dev.imgix.net'

(make sure to replace 'your access token')

  1. From your command line at the root directory of this repository run rm -rf node_modules && npm install && now