
A fork based on MQT Core - The Backbone of the Munich Quantum Toolkit

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

CI codecov License: MIT toolset: JKQ

JKQ QFR - A JKQ Library for Quantum Functionality Representation Written in C++

A JKQ library for the representation of quantum functionality by the Institute for Integrated Circuits at the Johannes Kepler University Linz. This package is part of the JKQ toolset.

Developers: Lukas Burgholzer, Hartwig Bauer, Stefan Hillmich and Robert Wille.

If you have any questions feel free to contact us using iic-quantum@jku.at or by creating an issue on GitHub.


The package can be used for a multitude of tasks, as illustrated in the following:

  • Obtaining intermediate representations from circuit descriptions.

    Currently available file formats are:

    Importing a circuit from a file in either of those formats is done via:

    std::string filename = "PATH_TO_FILE";
    qc::QuantumComputation qc(filename);

    or by calling


    which first resets the qc object before importing the new file.

  • Generating circuit representations for important quantum algorithms.

    Currently available algorithms are:

    • Entanglement

      unsigned short n = 2;
      qc::Entanglement entanglement(n); // generates bell circuit

      Generates the circuit for preparing an n qubit GHZ state. Primarily used as a simple test case.

    • Bernstein-Vazirani

      unsigned long long hiddenInteger = 16777215ull;
      qc::BernsteinVazirani bv(hiddenInteger); // generates Bernstein-Vazirani circuit for given hiddenInteger

      Generates the circuit for the Berstein-Vazirani algorithm using the provided hiddenInteger

    • Quantum Fourier Transform (QFT)

      unsigned short n = 3;
      qc::QFT qft(n); // generates the QFT circuit for n qubits

      Generates the circuit for the n qubit Quantum Fourier Transform.

    • Grover's search algorithm

      unsigned short n = 2;
      qc::Grover grover(n); // generates Grover's algorithm for a random n-bit oracle

      The algorithm performs ~ π/4 √2ⁿ Grover iterations. An optional unsigned int parameter controls the seed of the random number generation for the oracle generation.

  • Constructing a functional representation of a given quantum computation.

    Thereby we use our decision diagram (DD) package, which is included as a git-submodule in this project, in order to construct a DD representation from the individual gate descriptions.

    For more information on decision diagrams for quantum computing, please visit iic.jku.at/eda/research/quantum_dd.

    The following example shows how to construct the functionality of the three-qubit QFT from above.

    auto dd = make_unique<dd::Package>(); // create an instance of the DD package
    auto functionality = qft.buildFunctionality(dd);  // obtain DD representation

    The matrix representation of the constructed functionality can be printed by calling

    qft.printMatrix(dd, functionality, std::cout);

    which results in the following output

    Common Factor: √½ ½
           1	       1	       1	       1	       1	       1	       1	       1	
           1	       1	       1	       1	      -1	      -1	      -1	      -1	
           1	       1	      -1	      -1	      +i	      +i	      -i	      -i	
           1	       1	      -1	      -1	      -i	      -i	      +i	      +i	
           1	      -1	      +i	      -i	       √½(1+i)	      -√½(1+i)	      -√½(1-i)	       √½(1-i)	
           1	      -1	      +i	      -i	      -√½(1+i)	       √½(1+i)	       √½(1-i)	      -√½(1-i)	
           1	      -1	      -i	      +i	      -√½(1-i)	       √½(1-i)	       √½(1+i)	      -√½(1+i)	
           1	      -1	      -i	      +i	       √½(1-i)	      -√½(1-i)	      -√½(1+i)	       √½(1+i)	

    Note that matrix output factors in initial assignments as well as output permutations of the system (i.e. initialLayout and permutation).

    The (much more compact) DD representation that was actually constructed can be visualized as a *.dot file (which is automatically converted to SVG if GraphViz is installed) by calling

    dd::export2Dot(functionality, "functionality.dot");

    which produces

    See below for a description of the visualization options and their interpretation.

  • Basic support for DD-based simulation of quantum algorithms.

    Only the calculation of a DD state vector representation is supported (without intermediate measurements). For a more powerful approach, see our dedicated simulator JKQ DDSIM.

    The following example shows the simulation of Grover's algorithm from above (searching for the 2-bit string 00). Note that 00 is just an example here, as the oracle that is generated by Grover(n) depends on a random seed.

    auto dd = make_unique<dd::Package>(); // create an instance of the DD package
    auto initial_state = dd->makeZeroState(n); // create initial state |0...0>
    auto state_vector = grover.simulate(initial_state, dd);

    The vector representation of the resulting state vector can be printed by calling

    grover.printVector(dd, state_vector, std::cout);

    which results in the following output

    Common Factor: -1
      0: 1
      1: 0
     10: 0
     11: 0
    100: 0
    101: 0
    110: 0
    111: 0

    As expected, the probabilities for obtaining the state |x00> (the ancillary qubit x is ignored) sum up to 1.

    The (much more compact) DD representation, that was actually produced by the simulation, can again be visualized as SVG file by calling

    dd::export2Dot(state_vector, "state_vector.dot", true);

    which produces

  • Visualization and output of functional representations.

    Quantum computations can be visualized by printing them to any given output stream, e.g.

    std::cout << grover << std::endl;


       i: 		0	1	2	
       1: 	X   	|	|	X 	
       2: 	H   	H 	|	|	
       3: 	H   	|	H 	|	
       4: 	Z   	c	c	Z 	
       5: 	H   	H 	|	|	
       6: 	H   	|	H 	|	
       7: 	X   	X 	|	|	
       8: 	X   	|	X 	|	
       9: 	H   	|	H 	|	
      10: 	X   	c	X 	|	
      11: 	H   	|	H 	|	
      12: 	X   	|	X 	|	
      13: 	X   	X 	|	|	
      14: 	H   	|	H 	|	
      15: 	H   	H 	|	|
      16: 	X   	|	|	X 	
       o: 		0	1	2	

    As already demonstrated above, the function dd::exportDD(...) can be used to create visualizations of DDs representing vectors as well as matrices. To this end, the thickness of each edge indicates the edge weight's magnitude, while a color code indicates its phase. We use the HSV color wheel (at 50% lightness and 50% saturation) given below

    Furthermore, the export function has several options to tune the look and feel of the resulting DDs, e.g., enabling/disabling color, enabling/disabling edge weights, enabling/disabling classic mode.

If you ever want to visually explore how decision diagrams are employed in quantum computing for tasks such as simulation and verification, check out our installation-free web-tool JKQ DDVis.

The library also supports the output of circuits in various formats by calling

std::string filename = "PATH_TO_DESTINATION_FILE.{qasm | py}";

Currently available file formats are:

* `OpenQASM` (.qasm)
* `Qiskit` (.py) Qiskit export generates a python file, which can be used to transpile a respective circuit to a suitable architecture using the Qiskit toolset (specifically Qiskit Terra 0.12.0).
  • Circuit transcription

    The project also includes a small command line application qfr_app which can be used to transcribe circuits from one format into another format, e.g.

    qfr_app circuit.real circuit.py

    can be used to transcribe a circuit from real format to a Qiskit realization

System Requirements

Building (and running) is continuously tested under Linux, MacOS, and Windows using the latest available system versions for GitHub Actions. However, the implementation should be compatible with any current C++ compiler supporting C++14 and a minimum CMake version of 3.10.

It is recommended (although not required) to have GraphViz installed for visualization purposes.

Configure, Build, and Install

In order to build the library execute the following in the project's main directory

  1. Configure CMake

    cmake -S . -B build -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

    Windows users using Visual Studio and the MSVC compiler may try

    cmake -S . -B build -G "Visual Studio 15 2017" -A x64 -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release

    Older CMake versions not supporting the above syntax (< 3.13) may be used with

    mkdir build && cd build
    cmake .. -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release
  2. Build the respective target.

    cmake --build ./build --config Release --target <target>

    The following CMake targets are available

    • qfr: The standalone library
    • qfr_example: A small commandline demo example (*.dot files will be created in the working directory which will be automatically converted to SVG if GraphViz is installed)
    • qfr_app: The commandline transcription executable
    • qfr_test: Unit tests using GoogleTest
  3. Optional: The QFR library and app may be installed on the system by executing

    cmake --build ./build --config Release --target install

    It can then also be included in other projects using the following CMake snippet

    target_link_libraries(${TARGET_NAME} PRIVATE JKQ::qfr)