
A process manager for your `Procfile`(s)

Primary LanguageElixir


A process manager for your Procfile(s).


Install the Honcho archive into your Elixir:

mix archive.install hex honcho_supervisor
mix archive.install hex honcho

Add a file Procfile to your project. Procfiles are defined in the following format:

<process name>: <command>

For example:

postgres: postgres: postgres -D ./_build/data/postgres
phoenix: mix phx.server


Honcho will add several mix tasks your your project, including:

  • mix honcho.info - prints information about your process definitions
  • mix honcho.start - will start your process

These tasks take the following optional arguments:

  • -p, --procfile - a path to a Procfile. This defaults to a file, Procfile, in the current working directory.

Internal dependencies

On starting Honcho, it will attempt to write a bash wrapper script, which helps to interface between Erlang and the shell. It will put its internal helpers and config into ~/.honcho. For this reason, in order for Honcho to work, $HOME must be set, and writeable by the user under which Honcho is started.