
Hexo version of the Strata theme from html5up

Primary LanguageCSS

Strata Hexo Theme

Hexo implementation of the free HTML5Up Strata Template

Features Overview

  • Disqus and Facebook comments
  • Google Analytics
  • Cover image for posts and pages
  • Tags
  • Categories
  • Responsive Images
  • Gravatar
  • Social Media links
  • Pagination


SCSS support

The hexo-renderer-scss is required.

Install it by using:

$ npm install --save hexo-renderer-scss

Install the theme

Install the theme by using:

$ git clone https://github.com/livingos/hexo-theme-strata themes/strata

Then update your blog's main _config.yml to set the theme to strata:


# Extensions
## Plugins: http://hexo.io/plugins/
## Themes: http://hexo.io/themes/
theme: strata

Theme Configuration

The theme's global configuration is done in /themes/hexo-theme-strata/_config.yml.

Gravatar email

Set the email address for your Gravatar configured in the theme's _config.yml.

# Gravatar email
gravatar_email: a@123.com

Default index page cover image

You can specify a default thumbnail for posts on the index page (Home page). This image will be used if you forget to specify an image in the post's front matter.

# Default post cover index page
default_cover_index: "http://placehold.it/450x450"

Default post page cover image

You can specify a default thumbnail for posts/pages on the post/page page (Detail Page). This image will be used if you forget to specify an image in the post's front matter. If you don't specify a default and you don't specify an image in your post, no image will be displayed

# Default post cover index page
default_cover_detail: "http://placehold.it/1300x500"

Show Dates

By default, Strata does not show dates for posts and pages. You can set this config to true if you need to.

# Show Dates for posts and pages


The comments provider is specified in the theme's _config.yml. If you specify both a disqus_shortname and a facebook.appid there will be 2 sets of comment per post. So choose one.

# Comments. Choose one by filling up the information
  # Disqus comments
  disqus_shortname: discussname
  # Facebook comments
    appid: 123456789012345
    comment_count: 5
    comment_colorscheme: light

Google Analytics

The Google Analytics Tracking ID is configured in the theme's _config.yml.

# Google Analytics Tracking ID

Social Account

Setup the links to your social pages in the theme's _config.yml. Links are in the footer.

# Social Accounts
facebook_url: https://www.facebook.com/
dribble_url: https://dribbble.com/pixelhint
googleplus_url: https://plus.google.com/+Pixelhint/posts
behance_url: https://www.behance.net/

Post Custom Configuration

For each post, you can specify additional information in the front matter

Post's Index Thumbnail

Use cover_index to specify an image that will be used for that post on the Home page (also knows as index)


cover_index: /assets/work1.jpg

Post's Detail Thumbnail

Use cover_detail to specify an image that will be used for that post on the Detail page for that post.

cover_detail: /assets/hero_image.jpg


This theme was created by HTML5 Up and adapted for Hexo by Tim Hyde.