
Self-contained API keys via cryptographic signatures

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT


Isokey allows you to make and verify self-contained API keys without a database via HMAC signatures.


  • Important information such as userID, key expire time, and flags are stored within the key.
  • Use mutliple secrets simultaneously
  • Invalidate secrets and compromised keys

Table Of Contents


Always use gopkg to install, the repository may be in a broken midway state.

go get gopkg.in/ammario/isokey.v2

Symmetric Keys

Make a key service

    ks := SymKeyService{
		Secret: []byte("super_secure111"),

Make key digest

	key := &Key{
		UserID:  1,
		Expires: time.Now().AddDate(0, 1, 0),

	digest, err := ks.Digest(key)

	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error making digest: %v", err)
	fmt.Printf("Digest is %v\n", digest)

Verify key

    key, err = ks.Verify(digest)

	if err != nil {
		log.Fatalf("Error reading digest: %v", err)
    //Key authenticated
	fmt.Printf("Key: %+v\n", key)

Using multiple secrets

The SecretVersion is in included in each key to enable implementors to use multiple secrets.

Use a map

    ks.SecretMap = map[uint32][]byte{
        1: []byte("sec1"),
        2: []byte("sec2"),

Alternatively get full control with a function

    ks.GetSecret = function(key *Key)(secret []byte){
        if key.SecretVersion == 1 {
            return []byte("sec1") 
        return nil

Digest Structure

All binary values are big endian.

Field Type
Signature [16]byte
Made Time (Unix epoch timestamp) uint32
Expire Time (Unix epoch timestamp) uint32
Secret Version uint32
User ID uint32
Flags uint32

Digests are encoded with Bitcoin's base58 alphabet.

It may seem intuitive to put the signature at the end of the digest. It's located at the beginning as it makes eyeballing different keys more easy due to the avalanche effect.

Asymmetric Keys

Make a key pair

Make your private key openssl ecparam -genkey -name prime256v1 -outform DER -noout -out privatekey.der

Make your public key openssl ec -in privatekey.der -inform DER -outform DER -pubout -out publickey.der

Make key digest

    privKey, _ = isokey.LoadPrivateKey("priv.key")

    ks := AsymKeySigner{
		PrivateKey: privKey,

    key := &Key{
        User: 1,
        Expires: time.Now().Add(time.Hour)

    digest, _ := ks.Digest(key)

    fmt.Printf("Digest: %v", digest)

Verify key

	pubKey, _ = isokey.LoadPublicKey("pub.key")

	kv := AsymKeyVerifier{
        PublicKey: pubKey,

    key, err := kv.Verify(digest)
    if err != nil {
        log.Fatalf("Error verifying key: %v", err)
	fmt.Printf("Key verified %v\n", key)

Using multiple keys

Similar to symmetric keys, you can use multiple public or private keys. Refer to the godoc for specific usage.

Digest Structure

All binary values are big endian.

Field Type
R len uint8
R []byte
S Len uint8
S []byte
Made Time (Unix epoch timestamp) uint32
Expire Time (Unix epoch timestamp) uint32
Secret Version uint32
User ID uint32
Flags uint32

Digests are encoded with Bitcoin's base58 alphabet.

Invalidating keys

Custom invalidation can be useful if you'd like to support cases where the client has been compromised.

You can invalidate keys like so

ks.CustomInvalidate = function(key *isokey.Key) bool {
    if key.UserID == 10 && key.Made.Before(time.Date(2015, time.November, 10, 23, 0, 0, 0, time.UTC)) {
        return true
    //Make sure to handle expired keys when overriding
    if key.Expires.Before(time.Now()) {
        return true
    return false

Remember when overriding Invalidate to handle expired keys