

This project includes a Zephyr driver for the Arducam Mega camera sensor, and a couple of samples showing how to use it.

The following samples are included:

  • take_picture: A simple example showing how to enable the camera, take a picture, and transfer the image data into memory. Nothing is done with the data other than log the number of bytes received.
  • mass_img_capture: A modification of the mass sample in Zephyr, configured to use the external flash chip on the development kit to implement a simple USB memory stick. Upon reset the application will take a number of pictures and store it to the flash, and then enable the USB interface to allow the images to be read over USB.


  • nRF Connect SDK v2.2.0
  • Arducam Mega camera sensor
  • One of the following supported boards:
    • nrf52840dk_nrf52840
    • nrf5340dk_nrf5340_cpuapp