
:closed_lock_with_key: Code Examples for the Web and Cloud Applications Security Course

Primary LanguageSCSS

Web and Cloud Applications Security


  • Microsoft Visual Studio 2022 (can be downloaded from https://visualstudio.microsoft.com/vs/community ). Make sure that the "ASP.NET and web development" workload is installed, either during setup or afterwards from "Tools > Get Tools and Features".
  • Note: If you are not regularly using Microsoft Visual Studio 2022, you can install it in a Virtual Machine, either on your computer or in the cloud. If you are using Windows 10/11, Hyper-V Manager offers the possibility to download a Windows 11 Virtual Machine pre-configured with Visual Studio by choosing the "Quick Create" option and selecting the "Windows 11 dev environment" image. The Microsoft Azure cloud computing platform also provides a virtual machine template that has Visual Studio installed.

Microsoft Azure for Students

  • Get started with $100 in Azure credits to be used within the first 12 month. More details: link

Recommended Books

Further Reading


Are there any mistakes in the code samples / labs / course presentation?

A: possibly... if you find any, you can create an Issue (from the "Issues" menu at the top of the page) or you can try to fix them yourself and afterwards create a Pull Request. :)

Is it possible to convert the .md files to .pdf/.docx ?

A: you can use https://pandoc.org/