This is the code for my personal website, built using Jekyll and deployed to Github Pages.



$ bundle install
$ bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload

Since Jekyll is a static site generator, it has to build the site before we can view it. Run either of the following commands to build your site:

  • jekyll build - Builds the site and outputs a static site to a directory called _site.

  • jekyll serve - Does jekyll build and runs it on a local web server at http://localhost:4000, rebuilding the site any time you make a change.

Modifying Content

There are currently two places to add dynamic content:

  1. Positions (/_positions)
    • For adding new positions to the list of experience.
  2. Posts (/_posts)
    • For adding new blog posts
    • Draft blog posts can be added under (/_drafts), use bundle exec jekyll serve --livereload --drafts


This project currently uses a modified version of the minima theme that comes out of the box with Jekyll. All the Sass files live under /_sass.

Templates for pages are found under _layouts and related partials under _includes.