
NPR Visual's Carebot

Primary LanguagePython

Copyright 2014 NPR. All rights reserved. No part of these materials may be reproduced, modified, stored in a retrieval system, or retransmitted, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical or otherwise, without prior written permission from NPR.

(Want to use this code? Send an email to nprapps@npr.org!)


What is this?

Carebot cares about us so much it automatically reports out, summarizes and sends us our analytics.

For documentation of the metrics and queries used see the reports repo.


The following things are assumed to be true in this documentation.

  • You are running OSX.
  • You are using Python 2.7. (Probably the version that came OSX.)
  • You have virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper installed and working.
  • You have NPR's AWS credentials stored as environment variables locally.

For more details on the technology stack used with the app-template, see our development environment blog post.

Bootstrap the project

cd carebot
mkvirtualenv carebot
pip install -r requirements.txt
fab data.local_reset_db data.bootstrap_db
python manage.py collectstatic

Problems installing requirements? You may need to run the pip command as ARCHFLAGS=-Wno-error=unused-command-line-argument-hard-error-in-future pip install -r requirements.txt to work around an issue with OSX.

Hide project secrets

Project secrets should never be stored in app_config.py or anywhere else in the repository. They will be leaked to the client if you do. Instead, always store passwords, keys, etc. in environment variables and document that they are needed here in the README.

Run the project

fab public_app

Visit localhost:8000 in your browser.

Deploy to EC2

One time setup:

fab staging master servers.setup
fab staging master data.server_reset_db
fab staging master servers.fabcast:data.bootstrap_db

Routine deployment:

fab staging master deploy

Run a remote fab command

Sometimes it makes sense to run a fabric command on the server, for instance, when you need to render using a production database. You can do this with the fabcast fabric command. For example:

fab staging master servers.fabcast:cron_jobs.run_reports

If any of the commands you run themselves require executing on the server, the server will SSH into itself to run them.