
IA Summit Twitter Bingo using photos and hashtags!

Primary LanguageCSSMIT LicenseMIT

IA Summit Bingo!

Note: This is NOT live yet. Hold your horses. And tweets.

To play, tweet at @iasBingo and you will receive a bingo card with randomly generated squares and a link to the interactive version.

Each bingo card square has a description (and accompanying hashtag) of something an attendee might encounter at the IA Summit.

To claim a square, take a photo and tweet it with the matching hashtag, mentioning @iasBingo. The bot will fill in the square with the photo and send you an updated bingo card. Fill out a complete row or column and, bingo, you win!

Meanwhile, the leaderboard will keep track of those closest to getting a bingo, list the latest dozen square submissions and, of course, those who have already done it!

IAS-bingo was forked from NICAR Bingo and adapted for the Information Architecture Summmit.

Local Development Setup



  • python using homebrew
  • virtualenv with pip
  • create a virtualenv directory 've' which is in .gitignore
  • activate ve environment
  • install dependencies from requirements.txt with pip
  • copy config-sample.json to config.json and open with $EDITOR, if set

Getting started

(still unchanged from original repo)

Note: @NICARBingo runs on an ubuntu server on digitalocean.com

Set up your server

Get the right libraries (You might need to apt-get some of these individually)

$ sudo apt-get update
$ sudo apt-get install -y mysql-server libmysqlclient-dev git python-pip python-dev phantomjs
$ sudo apt-get install python-mysqldb
$ sudo apt-get install mysql-server

Access the mysql shell with your login (your username might be root) and set up a mysql server named after the bingo game you want

$ mysql -u USER -pPASSWORD
mysql> create database nicarbingo


  • Create a Twitter account
  • Create New App (https://apps.twitter.com/)
  • Generate the API Keys and Access Tokens (Make sure access level is Read, Write)
  • Make note of the consumer key/secret, and the access token/secret

HTML template

  • Download this repo
  • nicar-bingo/website/static/siteart/star.svg - SVG for the logo found here
  • nicar-bingo/website/static/templates/card.html and leaderboard.html - The markup for player cards and leaderboard
  • nicar-bingo/website/static/css/bingo.css - Where to adjust the style
  • edit daemon.py in nicar-bingo and change the website on line 249 to the domain you want (Right now it's nicarbingo.com)


  • Create a file called config.json and copy over the contents of config-sample.json
  • Fill out config.json with the MySQL database details and the Twitter handle’s API keys
  • Note: mysql default host might be depending on your settings

Creating the squares

  • Create a spreadsheet of goals following the included header format and export as a CSV
  • Note: There must be at least 24 goals.
  • Note: Only columns A and B must be filled in. The other columns are optional.
  • Note: It is recommended that hashtags be no longer than 12 characters or they get cut off in the cards.
  • Export the spreadsheet as a CSV file (nameofcsv.csv) and save it into the downloaded repo folder

Setting up your mysql server

  • Upload the repo with all your new files over to your server.
  • cd into the nicar-bingo directory
  • Import the bingo mysql schema:
    • $ mysql -u USER -pPASSWORD nicarbingo < bingo.sql
  • Import the goals from the CSV to your mysql server:
    • $ python load_goals.py nameofcsv.csv

Bringing over Flask, Twitter bot files, etc

Note: make sure you're in the nicar-bingo directory

$ sudo pip install virtualenv
$ virtualenv ve
$ . ve/bin/activate
$ pip install -r requirements.txt

**Wait, wait, wait. You need to adjust a python file-- uploading image data causes unicode problems. Sorry. **

Go to nicarbingo/ve/lib/python2.7/site-packages/twitter/api.py and comment out the second line: from future import unicode literals

###Run those beautiful python files (for testing) First tab (Note: make sure you're in the root/nicar-bingo directory)

$ . ve/bin/activate
$ python daemon.py

Second tab (Note: make sure you're in the root/nicar-bingo directory)

$ . ve/bin/activate
$ cd/website
$ python website.py

###Run those beautiful python files (forever)

$ . ve/bin/activate
$ nohup python daemon.py &
$ cd/website
$ nohup python website.py &


Provisioning uses chef (chef-solo via knife-solo/librarian-chef) which requires ruby. We suggest also using bundler.


cd provision bundle librarian-chef install


  1. Create your digital ocean account
  2. Create a new ubuntu instance, version 14.04 at the time of this writing
  3. Make sure to setup a key for the root user so you don't need to remember a password
  4. Update .ssh/config with a new Host entry for your new server. It may look like these:
Host ias-bingo-server
  HostName <your new ip address>
  User deploy
  ForwardAgent yes
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa

Host ias-bingo-server
  HostName <your new ip address>
  User root
  IdentityFile ~/.ssh/do_id_rsa
  1. Set your public keys in the provision/data_bags/public_keys/keys.json file
  2. Update the provision/data_bags/passwords/mysql.json file to set your own password
  3. knife solo prepare root@ias-bingo-server
  4. knife solo cook root@ias-bingo-server

Common Server Actions

Update from the git repo (root)

$ cd /u/apps/ias-bingo/current
$ git pull origin master
$ restart ias-bingo-server
$ restart ias-bingo-daemon

Tail the log files for errors (root)

$ tail -f /var/log/upstart/ias-bingo-server

and for the daemon:

$ tail -f /var/log/upstart/ias-bingo-daemon

Clear the whole database of data (deploy)

cat /u/apps/ias-bingo/current/config.json # get the deploy user mysql password
mysql -u deploy -h -P 3306 -p ias_bingo_production

truncate daub_tweets;
truncate goals;
truncate user_card_squares;
truncate users;

Load goals (deploy)

. /u/apps/ias-bingo/shared/ve/bin/activate
python load_goals.py iasbingo.csv