
javascript simple snake game

Primary LanguageHTML

JS Snake game

Design Pasterns - Final Project

You can play the game Here

This game written using ec6, fully object oriented. The game use the famous Designs pattern (Factory, Singleton, Config, Rest API, Strategy, Observer etc...)

This is a great example of JS classes using ec6.

Here you can view the UML Diagram of the game: UML Diagram


All logic The rendering of the game is performed on the client side. For scores GET and POST i use nodejs server. To save the scores data i used mongo db.

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Snake game uses a number of open source projects to work properly:

  • heroku - For hosting the node server i am use
  • mlab - For hosting the mongo DB i use
  • tabulator - For parse Json to table i us
  • draw.io - For created UML diagram i use

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